VHS comedy movie about tv show producers

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VHS comedy movie about tv show producers

Post by HelpMeNameIt »

It should be like 1990, more or less.

Movie was about guys who run own tv show, and they needed to rise money, and asked all people who liked it to donate. But they couldn't rise the money.
The guy who wanted to ruin it, gave a homeless person a penny. The homeless person was super excited about it. Because that penny turned out to be very expensive, very old penny, and that homeless person saved the day at the end.

Something like cable show with two people wearing masks with big heads ... it was weird.

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Re: VHS comedy movie about tv show producers

Post by laertes »

UHF https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098546/reference/

Cult classic with Weird Al and Michael Richards (amongst others)

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