Innocence (2004)- My review

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Lady Moe
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Innocence (2004)- My review

Post by Lady Moe »

"Innocence" is reminiscent of the great German silent films of the 20s. There is a lot of silence and attention to expression. But what "Innocence" has in spades over the silent films is color. Color color color!! The beautiful forest is probably the most memorable trait of the movie. The forest itself is a show stopper.

I almost don't know what else to say about this film. It's just magical. It's something that must be experienced. There are few films as beautiful as this, and few that really illustrate the innocence of a child.

One thing that cannot be looked over is a problem many people have with this film. This "problem" is minor nudity; that is, underage girls without clothes. There are scenes where young girls are completely naked and one scene where a girl who is starting puberty is studying her body and its changes. Even though all of these traits all very important aspects of the film's story and message, some people feel very uncomfortable about this and feel like it's "pedophilic". People who think about it this way are thinking about it all wrong: this film has nothing to do with pedophilia. The fact that we connect these images to sexuality and pedophilia is actually laughable considering what the story is about. Maybe these people would look at this imagery in a different way...if they still had their innocence.

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