Filtering out

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Filtering out

Post by Risingashes »

Is there any way to make Tiers 1-7 not count towards the TCI index?

Whether someone ranked Street Fighter as 'worst movie ever' or 'substandard' really doesn't matter to me. But most of the time I've found that a substantial amount of these rankings alter the TCI of others, whereas what I'm really interested in (people ranking movies I loved as substandard, or movies I hated as movies they loved) gains less importance simply because there is usually a lot of meaningless variation when people rate things they don't really have a strong opinion on.

As it stands the TCI system ends up giving me people with my substandard movies filling their Tier 10 and maybe 1 or 2 movies I loved in the higher tiers. Is this a problem for everyone else as well?

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Re: Filtering out

Post by MmzHrrdb »

You leave Street Fighter out of this!!

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Re: Filtering out

Post by mpowell »

Thanks for making that suggestion. The way the site is currently designed, there's no way to filter out tiers for TCI calculation.

We don't have any plans right now to modify the algorithms which generate the TCIs, but we are always collecting ideas for the betterment of the site. Thanks again!

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