I think I broke Criticker

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I think I broke Criticker

Post by imdb »

I may as well post a list

  • ranking films takes me to a blank screen (although it does show up on my profile page)
  • unable to access "all my rankings"
  • my film count in the upper right doesn't go any higher
  • any films i do rank are grey and tierless
  • the "rank more films" link goes to a fatal error

those are just what i noticed. I'm guessing it has something to do with the tens of thousands of films ranked.

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Re: I think I broke Criticker

Post by mpowell »

It definitely has something to do with the large number of films you've ranked.

Although it's an issue that apparently only affects your account, we'll have to take a look into it soon, because it's a matter of too much memory being consumed on the server, to load and process your list of rankings -- and that affects everyone.

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