Old Poster instead of new ones

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Old Poster instead of new ones

Post by JonSmith »

When someone looks through titles when they are in a collection or in someone's ratings, pressing on the plus sign returns an old poster and not the current one. The same thing happens if one clicks on the PSI score.

This happens for multiple shows and I can't list them all, since that would take too much time.

So, I'll list two that have this behavior :

https://www.criticker.com/tv/The-Grim-A ... -of-Billy/

https://www.criticker.com/tv/Fosters-Ho ... y-Friends/

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Re: Old Poster instead of new ones

Post by mpowell »

Thanks for reporting this -- this issue has plagued us for awhile, but it appears to still be happening. We'll take another look at it soon, and update here!

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