Cédric Vieira

Cédric Vieira

Total Credits at Criticker: 3 (Actor)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (3)

    The Tunnel
    The Tunnel (2013) - TV Series
    Set primarily in Folkestone and Calais where detectives Karl Roebuck and Elise Wassermann are called to investigate the death of a French politician. When a shocking discovery is made at the crime scene, the pair is forced into an uneasy partnership as they seek out a politically-motivated serial killer who draws them into his own personal agenda.
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    La belle vie
    Yves is living in hiding with his sons, Sylvain and Pierre. Two years before, he had abducted them from their mother after a judge ruled against him. But the boys are growing up now, and constantly being on the run deprives them of their adolescent dreams. Hidden on an island in the Loire, Sylvain, the younger, meets Gilda: love at first sight... and they are on their way to the good life? (imdb)
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    Les Robins des Pauvres
    Franck and Régis Delmas come from a modest farming family in the Cantal region of France. Their simple, generous origins motivated them to create a group called "Les Robins des pauvres". The two brothers rob banks to redistribute money to the most destitute. Franck and Régis Delmas have the unanimous support of the local population. The police, investigating these mysterious bank robberies, are unable to identify the criminals behind them.
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