Clem Beauchamp

Total Credits at Criticker: 7 (Actor), 3 (Director), 2 (Writer)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (7) | Director (3) | Writer (2)

    Listen Lena
    Listen Lena (1927) - Short Film
    Al St John loves Lena, but he also loves to sleep. Will he get out of bed soon enough to take Lena from his dull rival, so he can have an argument with the girl where he cries "LISTEN, LENA"? Or will he roll back over, and later get busted by a mean cop for sleepwalking in his bed clothes? (imdb)
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    Look Out Below
    Look Out Below (1929) - Short Film
    A Educational short where Robert Graves plays Thelma Todd's jealous husband. (imdb)
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    Hot Lightning
    Life and activity at a hotel. Slapstick-style.
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    Jungle Heat
    Jungle Heat (1927) - Short Film
    Our comic hero gets involved with comic dogs before he gets to the hotel, where the owner of another pooch (the animals are well trained) proves to be the father of fetching Hutton. Al finds himself competing with the great white hunter and preventing his chum tumbling down a cliff in the leaf house strapped to the real elephant's back.
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    The Radio Bug
    The Radio Bug (1926) - Short Film
    A homeowner takes delivery of his new radio. The crate is so big that the front door needs to be widened by about a yard. No problem when you've got a saw! In spite of the size of the crate, the radio turns out to be regular tabletop size. Further installation requires punching a big hole in the roof. That's when the downpour starts, filling the bungalow with water. Finally, the radio is working in spite of the torrent falling from the ceiling.
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    Two buddies compete for girls and risk burying their friendship.
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    Love a la Mode
    Love a la Mode (1930) - Short Film
    The setting is a posh party at some mansion. Mr. Saunders wants time with his girlfriend so he can propose to her, but her bratty younger sister is always getting in the way. When a bond salesman arrives, Saunders convinces him to woo the sister. If he agrees and keeps her away, Saunders promises to buy a fortune in bonds.
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