Cyn Dulay

Total Credits at Criticker: 3 (Actor)

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    After losing his job, a man moves his family from Chicago to a place they own out in rural Wisconsin to save money. But there are weird goings-on in this house, & when the family gets mixed up with a creepy local couple, events get increasingly disturbing.
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    Pediatrician by day, single mom by night, Sarah invites her estranged husband, Pete, back to their suburban home for the Holidays on one condition: he must reconcile with their daughters before she agrees to finalize a trial separation with divorce. (imdb)
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    Possession Diaries
    The story follows Rebecca Clarkson, suffering from demonic attacks after playing with an Ouija board one night. Fearful people will think she's crazy, or lying, she documents her ... (imdb)
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