Don Sullivan

Don Sullivan

Total Credits at Criticker: 5 (Actor)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (5)

    The Giant Gila Monster
    A small town in Texas finds itself under attack from a hungry, fifty-foot-long gila monster. No longer content to forage in the desert, the giant lizard begins chopming on motorists and train passengers before descending upon the town itself. Only Chase Winstead, a quick-thinking mechanic, can save the town from being wiped out. (imdb)
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    The Rebel Set
    Three beatniks are brought together to rob an armored car, only to face betrayal from amongst their ranks. (imdb)
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    Teenage Zombies
    While boating, a quartet of teens accidentally discover an island run by a mad scientist who intends to turn everyone in the United States into a zombie. The teenagers become trapped on the island, and are temporarily imprisoned in cages. They are freed when other teenagers arrive with the corrupt sheriff. A complicated fight scene serves as the climax, in which a de-zombified gorilla arrives just in time to attack Dr. Myra's henchmen and allow the teens to escape. (Wikipedia)
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    The Monster of Piedras Blancas
    The monster, which looks like a nastier version of "The Creature from the Black Lagoon," invades a sleepy lighthouse town. The superstitious lighthouse keeper is worried for the safety of his beautiful teenage daughter (Carmen), so he leaves food for the monster, who dwells in a nearby cave. When bodies wash up ashore, the locals take notice. (imdb)
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    Paradise Alley
    As studio financing dwindled away for Hugo Haas, his last film as a writer-director-producer has certain autobiographical elements, a cast featuring several film veterans from the silent era, and a storyline containing a metaphoric commentary on Hollywood. When former European film director Agnus (Haas) witnesses bickering in a boarding house, he sets out to prove the innate goodness of people.
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