Enzo Iacchetti

Total Credits at Criticker: 5 (Actor), 1 (Writer)

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    The owner of an Italian natural food company has a heart attack and asks his son, Bernardo, to find the man who saved his life in World War II and bring him to his deathbed. He does so and finds the man in a sanitarium and must deal with his hijinks all the way back to Milan. (imdb)
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    Neri Parenti directs this sketch-based movie about Italy's famously obsessive soccer fans. In one segment, a doctor forbids his son to marry the daughter of a pilot because he supports a rival team. In another, a Milanese cabby installs a satellite dish in his taxi only to have it co-opted by pushy Roman fans... (Rovi)
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    In questo mondo di ladri
    Fabio, Monica, Nicola, Walter and Lionello are five normal people, five honest workers that before that fateful day in February, had never even met.They all share the same bad luck, and are all the victims of a real estate fraud in Livigno. Our heroes are very mad, and go to the police seeking help and understanding , wanting to get the culprits arrested, but this is not the case: we live in a world ,where thieves always get away with it. (filmitalia)
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    Torno a vivere da solo
    Giacomo leaves his wife and family to go and live alone. (worldcat)
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    Mi rifaccio vivo
    Biagio Bianchetti has an enemy since school, Ottone di Valerio, a classic "son of dad". Otto has always been better than him, he has covered him with failures and made him ridiculous in everything. (imdb)
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