Esko Salminen

Esko Salminen

Total Credits at Criticker: 18 (Actor), 1 (Writer)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (18) | Writer (1)

    Hamlet Goes Business
    A bizarre black-and-white film noir reworking of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'. After the death of his father, young Hamlet inherits a seat on the board of a company controlled by his uncle that decides to move into the rubber duck market. (imdb)
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    The Stars Will Tell, Inspector Palmu
    A body is found in the park near Tähtitorninmäki. The police are called in, believing him to be a dead vagrant. However, journalist Nopsanen happens by the scene, leading to the death being publisized in the papers that same afternoon. The victim is eventually identified as astrologist Fredrik Nordberg...
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    Based on a novel of the same name by the Finnish author, Antti Tuuri, this late-80's comedy builds its dark humour on the stereotypical mentality of the northern part of Finland. (IMDB Comments)
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    Uuno Turhapuron veli
    Uuno Turhapuro's brother, Tarmo, returns to Finland from Sweden after ten years of foreign study. Uunon has become successful, in the meantime, and married a beautiful wife. Tarmo is not on good terms with the rich wife's mother.
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    Isä (2003) - Short Film
    A short film from 2003
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    Mother of Mine
    During World War II, more than 70,000 Finnish children were evacuated to neutral Sweden to avoid the conflict. "Mother of Mine," the latest from the award-winning Klaus Haro ("Elina"), tackles that painful patch of history in a tale of 9-year-old Eero, a child who increasingly feels abandoned by his biological Finnish mother and yet not attached to his Swedish surrogate mom. When he is returned to Finland, his confusion intensifies. (imdb)
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    Speedy Gonzales - noin 7 veljeksen poika
    Western film parody from Finland. Speedy Gonzales trying to find who killed his brother.
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    A songbook passes from hand to hand, leading to hallucinatory musical numbers.
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    A young composer and singer fall in love, and the composer enters a radio contest.
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    Long lost son come back home for the birthday of father of three brothers. Old monsters wake up during meeting. (muutanet)
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    An expensive furcoat goes from hand to hand, changing the lives of the owners.
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    A man is given a white shotgun by a mysterious figure (god? angel? the devil?), and sets out to destroy his own world, to create his own personal armageddon. It is not a tale of vengeance, but of the end of one man's world.
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    Rakkaudella, Maire
    Middle-aged Maire's husband spends most of his time abroad on business. Alone in their large house, Maire fills her empty life by absorbing other people's tragedies from tabloid newspapers. Obsessed by the story about a young single mother whose husband was killed and the killer got away with it, she befriends the young widow who would rather forget the whole event and go on with her life. Gradually, however, persistent Maire convinces her that the man must be made to pay for what he did. (imdb)
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    A story about a gang in Helsinki, the capital of Finland in 60's. They misbehave, have fun, steal, drink and has been chased by police. How a girl from countryside finds the wild life of big city. Take me when I'm young. (MuutaNet)
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    Kuudes kerta
    A private detective engages in a sexually-charged relationship with a real estate broker.
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    Esa is a small time crook who has been precisely released from prison. He starts to make money by mugging people. One day psychiatrist Lindström rings Esa's doorbell. He has a very strange request: he wants Esa to maltreat him. Esa accepts this request, but he is not aware of Lindström's bad intentions. (imdb)
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    Pähkähullu Suomi
    Losing faith in their original idea for a movie to celebrate Finland's 50 years of independence, a film crew decides to hire a typical Finnish taxpayer to tell them what to shoot. (imdb)
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    Pedon merkki
    Follows several Finnish officers and soldiers during World War II, mainly in the Finnish headquarters. (imdb)
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