Reza Arham Sadr

Total Credits at Criticker: 4 (Actor)

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    Jafar Khan az farang bargashte
    Jafar Khan, son of Haji Akbar, returns from abroad and seeing the Father and the situation is unusual in that he must take to the water and fire to be able to make the same J. .... (imdb)
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    Akbar Dilmaj
    Akbar has just lost his job when he meets a foreign tourist woman named Catherine and starts working as her guide. This proves to be troublesome since his wife and his former co-workers try to end his new relationship. (imdb)
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    Furious Men
    Ebad and Nasir put everything at stake to fulfill their father's final will.
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    A Party in Hell
    Hajji Jabbar is a miser, greedy and disliked businessman. He tries to make more money by any means even by forcing her daughter to marry a rich old man rather than let her marry her cousin Hamid that she loves. Jabbar suddenly becomes sick and sees grim reaper who takes him to see hell in a long sequence. When Hajji Jabbar awakes he changes and tries to redeem himself.
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