Rino Konno

Rino Konno

Total Credits at Criticker: 4 (Actor)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (4)

    Captive Factory Girls 2: The Revolt
    A women is forced to work for a shady steel factory in order to pay off a debt and finds herself and her co-workers on the wrong end of abuse.
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    Dekotora 2: Smokey & The Bushido
    Nami finds herself taking care of her formal high school rival's son while she infiltrates a Yakuza drug/sex ring. Madness only ensues for both. (imdb)
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    Big Bad Mama-San: Dekotora 1
    A Female Japanese trucker trying to pay back her father's bills helps a prostitute reform by taking her under her wing while dealing with a drug trade, police, and other crazy characters. (imdb)
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    Stray Dogz 2
    Tadaomy works as a loan shark. He hires Tukasa to work for him. One day, Tadaomy's debtor, Okabayashi, asks to borrow two million yen more. Tadaomy trusts Okabayashi who has paid back sincerely, but Okabayashi suddenly disappears.
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