Rosa Isela Frausto

Total Credits at Criticker: 2 (Actor)

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    Zombie Farm
    When Ana seeks out Rocque, a local santero, for a potion to cure her abusive, alcoholic husband, he tells her there is nothing to be done. That all she can do is basically leave the guy. Angry and desperate, she turns to Rocque's rival, Mama Luna, a macumba or voodoo priestess. Her solution is to cure Ana's husband by turning him into a flesh-eating zombie. (
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    Bled White
    The dead feast on human flesh and stop at nothing for it. The living, confined to the dark corners of the world, must do what it takes to survive. Dying is the only thing left to do at the end of the world. Now Ed, Matt, Joe, Natalie, Sam and Mary will try to survive. Who lives depends on who kills first. (imdb)
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