Thanasis Vengos

Thanasis Vengos

Total Credits at Criticker: 29 (Actor), 3 (Director)

Picture submitted by jeff_v

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (29) | Director (3)

    Voitheia o Vengos, faneros praktor \
    In this film, Vengos plays a loser who studies in a secret agents academy, dreaming of becoming a great spy like 007. Unfortunately he can't do anything right, so he wrecks havoc during his final exams.
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    Ena asyllipto koroido
    A silent remnant of WWII lies hidden in the backyard of an unsuspecting barber, as a former Gestapo officer and his henchmen disguised as tourists return to claim what's theirs. Will the resilient everyman find out their secret?
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    The Baldheaded Agent and the Land of Destruction Mission
    Thou-Vou and his new partner, MAP31, accept three imaginary tasks from a cunning director who is only interested in filming the unsuspecting duo for his upcoming movie feature. Will the agents manage to squeeze success out of failure? (imdb)
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