Van Hansis

Van Hansis

Total Credits at Criticker: 5 (Actor)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (5)

    25 year old Danny Hill's grandmother just died giving Danny the chance to move into her enormous rent controlled apartment in Manhattan. Danny must lock himself in for twelve days before he can take over the lease. There's just one problem -- he may not be the only occupant (imdb)
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    Kiss Me, Kill Me
    While confronting his unfaithful boyfriend, Dusty blacks-out. When he comes to, his boyfriend has been murdered and he's the prime suspect. (imdb)
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    Eastsiders (2012) - TV Series
    What happens after the world ends? Written and directed by award-winning playwright Kit Williamson, "EastSiders" explores the aftermath of infidelity on a gay couple in Silverlake. (imdb)
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    First Reformed
    A priest of a small congregation in upstate New York grapples with mounting despair brought on by tragedy, worldly concerns, and a tormented past.
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    Murder Manual
    Creepy, terrifying chapters from our book of horror include a little girl's journey from a world of nightmares into the nightmare of reality, a gay couple's romantic getaway in Palm Springs that turns murderous, a young woman whose rideshare turns deadly, and a girl who is held captive by a circus that must be rescued by her husband. (imdb)
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