
Cinema Addict - 2468 Film Ratings
Member Since: 03 Aug 2010
Location: Mexico City, Ciudad de México, Mexico
Age: 62
Bio: Cook, recusant, lover of beer, dudes, & movies.

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85 85% The Lifeguard The Lifeguard (2013) - Rated 05 Aug 2013
"I appreciate any defense of being lost & fucked up & this fresh & energetically acted character ensemble piece is both clear-eyed & non-judgemental. So it doesn't surprise me that people hate it. All the characters maintain their dignity, and continue loving each other, even when they make bad, silly or stupid choices. The drama is weakened by a burdensome indie rock soundtrack but that's the worst thing I can say about it. That last shot, an honest request for empathy -- we never get those."
90 90% Hardware Hardware (1990) - Rated 09 Mar 2013
"With echoes of Tetsuo; A Boy & His Dog; The Evil Dead; of course Terminator; & other indie sci-fi and horror films & with production design at least partially inspired by Moebius & other hyper-detailed comics, director Richard Stanley packs his frames to overflowing with biomechanical energy and post-apocalyptic menace. Crudely but effectively edited and performed, this is in the best tradition of weird midnight movies. Prepare to have your eyeballs battered, & probably your taste challenged."
65 48% The Social Network The Social Network (2010) - Rated 02 Apr 2013
"I think this movie's impact must depend on my giving a shit about Facebook and finding Mark Zuckerberg some kind of genius instead of a clever douchebag. Tried to watch it three times without fast-forwarding. Failed. If this movie defines the zeitgeist, we're all in serious trouble. It did succeed in making me loathe the sight and voice of Jesse Eisenberg. Don't know whether to be angry or relieved about that."
81 82% Mud Mud (2013) - Rated 28 Jul 2013
"It's not often that McConaughey gets upstaged but in this low-key but mildly flavorful sorta-Southern drama he's overshadowed by the two young male leads -- a marvelous Tye Sheridan, in particular -- & the Mississippi itself. Sam Shepard is around for gravitas & allusion, as is Joe Don Baker. Witherspoon is mostly absent, as is any sort of narrative punch or pull, until the final 15 minutes, reminding me that this ain't the 70s and this ain't no Night Moves, either."
90 90% Weekend Weekend (2011) - Rated 14 Sep 2012
"The most affecting love story I've seen in ages, mostly because it's a character study about two characters studying each other's characters, while having sex and talking, and how that challenges them and leads to something like love."
90 90% The Son The Son (2002) - Rated 22 Jan 2012
"Left me shaking after seeing it. This film is a shattering and physical rapprochement between the desire for vengeance and the need to forgive. That's probably why most American critics didn't understand it. A profoundly moral film, not least because it depicts morality as a constant struggle."
40 12% The Dark Knight Rises The Dark Knight Rises (2012) - Rated 22 Nov 2012
"Finally. A movie I can enjoy hating as much as Forrest Gump. Politically and morally incoherent, ineptly edited, ridiculously plotted, choked with exposition and unintentionally comic line readings, and not a pretty shot in sight. I'll take a 22-minute ep of any incarnation of cartoon Batman over this piece of self-important garbage any day."
90 90% La leon La leon (2007) - Rated 04 Jul 2013
"The perfect melding of the individual contributions from actors, director, cinematographer & composer of this first feature from Argentina is, well, uncanny. Perhaps what's most uncanny is a haunting & indelible sense of place -- out of time, out of contemporary social life in the Paraná delta -- conveyed via a B&W visual style that reminded me of faded tintypes. It's an exploration of the persistence of, and loyalty to memory in a present without forward movement, but not without desire."
77 57% Cousins Cousins (2019) - Rated 24 Mar 2020
"Although mediocre as filmmaking — some good performances though and a great sex scene — this sincere, goofy, and sweet young-gay romance between kissing cousins was just what I needed after getting my mind raped by Joker. It even has an optimistic ending I could believe in."
70 52% Eban and Charley Eban and Charley (2000) - Rated 27 Dec 2011
"Gio Black Peter embues his young gay character with more soul than I think the excessively emo script deserved. Brent Fellows, as the older guy who always falls for the younger guys, comes across as creepy not because of his predilections but because of his dreary self-pity. The film's milieu is oppressive so I couldn't help but hope the couple made it out alive. Still, I didn't believe the ending. They're headed for trouble, for sure."