American Playhouse

Episode List: American Playhouse (1980-1994)

Anthology series which ran on PBS throughout the 1980s.

Seasons: 12, Episodes: 29

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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
1985's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the only filmed version of the Mark Twain classic to cover every episode in the original novel and not merely such familiar vignettes as the "King and the Duke" business. Presented in four parts, Finn opens in 1844, with young Huck (Patrick Day) being kidnapped from the home of the Widow Douglas (Sada Thompson) by his brutal, drink-sodden Pap (Frederic Forest). (imdb)
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Sunday in the Park with George
Sunday in the Park with George (1986) - Season 5, Episode 19
Video production of the Pulitzer-prize winning musical stage production. In the first act, "George", a fictionalized Georges Seurat paints his lover, Dot, and "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Le Grande Jatte." (imdb)
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