Dirty Money

Episode List: Dirty Money (2018)

A Netflix Original Series documenting various stories about exposing the greed, corruption, and crime spreading through the global economy.

Seasons: 1, Episodes: 3

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Hard Nox
Hard Nox (2018) - Season 1, Episode 1
Gibney reveals shocking new details about VW's corporate deceit, and exposes the unholy alliance between governments and automakers that allowed the automaker to put tens of thousands of lives at risk - all for the sake of a $500 part.
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Payday (2018) - Season 1, Episode 2
Targeting unsuspecting Americans, a group of payday lenders made millions off small loans with undisclosed charges, inflated interest rates and incomprehensible rules. But the way the laws are written, is that a crime or just business?
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Drug Short
Drug Short (2018) - Season 1, Episode 3
Wall Street short-sellers expose a scam that regulators overlook: how Big Pharma gouges patients in need of life-saving drugs.
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