Doctor Who

Episode List: Doctor Who (1963-1989)

Time and Space traveling adventures of a Gallifreyan Time Lord only known as the Doctor and his companions, traveling through time and space. (imdb)

Seasons: 26, Episodes: 694

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Day of the Daleks: Episode One
When someone tries to assassinate diplomat Sir Reginald Styles, UNIT investigates the possibility his attacker came from the future.
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Day of the Daleks: Episode Two
Jo uses the guerrillas' time machine to travel to the 22nd century where the Controller tricks her into telling the Daleks where she's come from.
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Day of the Daleks: Episode Three
The Doctor forces the guerrillas to take him to the 22nd century where he is soon captured by the Controller.
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Day of the Daleks: Episode Four
The guerrillas infiltrate the Daleks' base to rescue the Doctor and Jo and ask them to return to their own time and alter history before the 20th century is plunged into a Third World War.
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The Curse of Peladon: Episode One
The Doctor and Jo arrive on the medieval planet Peladon, where the Doctor is mistaken for the Earth Delegate of the Galactic Federation and Jo is mistaken for a princess. Where the Doctor uncovers a conspiracy, as he exposes the evil scheme of the high-priest Hepesh who bids to prevent King Peladon from joining the galactic Federation.
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The Curse of Peladon: Episode Two
The Doctor is convinced the Ice Warriors are trying to sabotage the conference but his attempts to prove it see him accused of sacrilege.
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The Curse of Peladon: Episode Three
The Doctor is sentenced to fight Grun to the death and his attempt to escape leads to an encounter with Aggedor.
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The Curse of Peladon: Episode Four
Hepesh's plan has been exposed but he is still determined to prevent Peladon joining the Galactic Federation by leading a rebellion against the King.
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The Sea Devils: Episode One
The Sea Devils: Episode One (1972) - Season 9, Episode 9
The Doctor and Jo visit the Master at his island prison where the Doctor becomes curious about a number of ships sinking in the area.
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The Sea Devils: Episode Two
The Sea Devils: Episode Two (1972) - Season 9, Episode 10
The Doctor and Jo are trapped on the fort by a Sea Devil while the Master convinces Trenchard to help him steal some electronic components.
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The Sea Devils: Episode Three
The Sea Devils: Episode Three (1972) - Season 9, Episode 11
The Doctor is held prisoner by Trenchard while the Master attempts to contact the Sea Devils.
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The Sea Devils: Episode Four
The Sea Devils: Episode Four (1972) - Season 9, Episode 12
The Sea Devils attack the island prison and rescue the Master, prompting the Doctor to venture underwater to try and contact them.
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The Sea Devils: Episode Five
The Sea Devils: Episode Five (1972) - Season 9, Episode 13
The Doctor is taken to the Sea Devils' underwater colony where he tries to make peace with the creatures, only for the navy to attack the base.
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The Sea Devils: Episode Six
The Sea Devils: Episode Six (1972) - Season 9, Episode 14
The Sea Devils take over the naval base and the Doctor is forced to help the Master find a way to revive their colony.
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The Mutants: Episode One
The Mutants: Episode One (1972) - Season 9, Episode 15
The Doctor and Jo arrive on the planet Solos, on an assignment by the Time Lords. The Doctor and Jo learn that the native Solonians are mutating into ant-like mutant creatures and they uncover a conspiracy, where the evil Marshal of the Earth Empire plots to rule Solos for himself and plans to convert the Solos atmosphere since the planet's atmosphere is poisonous...
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The Mutants: Episode Two
The Mutants: Episode Two (1972) - Season 9, Episode 16
Ky transports himself and Jo down to Solos and the Marshal only agrees to help her if the Doctor assists Professor Jaeger in altering Solos' atmosphere.
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The Mutants: Episode Three
The Mutants: Episode Three (1972) - Season 9, Episode 17
The Doctor and Varan travel down to Solos to search for Jo and Ky but the Marshal orders his men to pursue them.
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The Mutants: Episode Four
The Mutants: Episode Four (1972) - Season 9, Episode 18
The Doctor and his friends are led to safety by Professor Sondergaard, who tries to help the Doctor translate the tablets.
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The Mutants: Episode Five
The Mutants: Episode Five (1972) - Season 9, Episode 19
The Marshal's premature use of Jaeger's experiment is threatening to destroy Solos' atmosphere and the Doctor returns to Skybase to try and correct the damage.
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The Mutants: Episode Six
The Mutants: Episode Six (1972) - Season 9, Episode 20
The Doctor is forced to help the Marshal cover up his actions with the Investigator but Jo and the others attempt to escape to expose him.
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The Time Monster: Episode One
The Time Monster: Episode One (1972) - Season 9, Episode 21
UNIT are invited to observe a demonstration of the new TOMTIT machine, unaware its creator, Professor Thascales, is actually the Master.
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The Time Monster: Episode Two
The Time Monster: Episode Two (1972) - Season 9, Episode 22
The Doctor realizes the Master is trying to harness the power of Kronos, the last of the Chronovores, but is unaware Percival is harboring him at the institute.
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The Time Monster: Episode Three
The Master enlists the help of Krasis to control Kronos while Yates tries to bring the TARDIS to the institute only to come under attack from dangers from the past.
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The Time Monster: Episode Four
The Time Monster: Episode Four (1972) - Season 9, Episode 24
The Master prepares to travel back to Atlantis but the Doctor links his TARDIS to the Master's to try and stop him.
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The Time Monster: Episode Five
The Time Monster: Episode Five (1972) - Season 9, Episode 25
Both TARDISes reach Atlantis, where the Doctor befriends King Dalios while the Master enlists the help of Queen Galleia to try and obtain the crystal of Kronos.
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The Time Monster: Episode Six
The Time Monster: Episode Six (1972) - Season 9, Episode 26
The Doctor enters the labyrinth to try and protect Jo from the minotaur but the Master has seized control of Atlantis and prepares to summon Kronos again.
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