Idol × Warrior: Miracle Tunes

Episode List: Idol × Warrior: Miracle Tunes (2017-2018)

In this series, Kanon and Fuka try out to be members of the idol group MiraclexMiracle alongside idol Mai. Upon joining, they find out that Mai is a Miracle Tunes Warrior, protecting the world from the negative energy of Lord Maou. Using their fans positive energy from their idol activities, Fuka and Kanon join the Idol Warriors. The girls must fight to save their world, and the world of the Land of Music - the mystical land where their powers come from.

Seasons: 1, Episodes: 2

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Tanjo! Aidoru Senshi Mirakuru Chunzu!
The Birth of the Idol Warriors Miracle Tunes!
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Arata na Senshi wa Tensai Dansa
The New Warrior is a Genius Dancer
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