Search found 1 match: Donnie Yen

Searched query: donnie yen

by hotsake
Sat Dec 17, 2016 7:27 pm
Forum: Full Reviews
Topic: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Replies: 2
Views: 9349

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

This is a hard movie to rate. It wasn't as good as I'd hoped but at the same time it wasn't as bad as I expected. The side characters were great and fun as was the robot for the most part, I also liked the CGI cameos from previous movies mainly because they weren't over used. The action was relatively well done and the CGI was really good, I did watch this 2D and noticed a lot of softness but that usually happens when watching 2D versions of 3D movie, I'll watch the 3D version to see the difference. The downsides to this is the fact that the main two characters are fairly lame and unremarkable. I didn't care about Felicity Jones' character at all. I also found that most of the side characters as fun as they were to watch were severely under used. Wen Jiang, Mads Mikkelsen, and Donnie Yen in particular were some of the best characters in the film and easily out shone the main stars. The story also took a long time to get going which wouldn't have been so bad if the main characters were more interesting, I'm not sure if that is the script writers, directors, or actors fault. I also felt that they tried hard to make sure that this didn't outshine the official "Episode" films and made this a bit more muted such as with the lame title sequence. I actually liked this better than any of the Star Wars movies aside for IV & V. The ending was awesome and I really liked seeing Vader be more active here.