- romance film between teens or early 20s
- she is white, he is black
- he is studying music, some kind of horn (trumpet?)
- the film itself may be in black and white
- I recall a scene in front of the stoop of an apartment building like you would find in Brooklyn. Example: https://www.google.com/search?q=brooklyn+stoop&client=ubuntu&hs=amK&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=8puRjzwRTpQQkM%253A%252CJ6pkelbCSQ1dHM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kRd0uBMRHf-SPJJXEmjaeAH0TqvhQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjEuruCjZTgAhXh-yoKHY80C4kQ9QEwAnoECAMQCA#imgrc=uIU5Hd8OWMQHUM:
Although this style is common all over the east coast of the US. - The thing I remember most and the reason I'm looking for it is because the whole film had this incredible jazz sountrack. The film is quasi-musical; I don't remember the characters actually singing, but the movement/action of certain scenes is aligned with the soundtrack in a very anti-realist way.
- edit: filmed 1980 or after (from what I remember of the film quality)
There's a small possibility this was a short film or a student film, as I saw this in a class. I think this is unlikely, though; my memory is that it was feature-length.
I've been googling sporadically every few years for the last 10 years trying to remember this film. If you can think of what it is, may the ghost of Ingmar Bergman smile on your soul. You'll have my everlasting thanks.