Flag next to film titles

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Flag next to film titles

Post by astrakhan »

It could be great to have a small flag next to film names to show what country they're from (or display it with text if you prefer). At least on some pages, like the main ranking page, where there are a lot of films shown. It would really help with identification, especially as I have already spotted quite a few foreign films masquerading under their English titles on this site.

A display problem arises when a film is listed with multiple countries. Display the first one, with an option to manually define the main country on the film's page?

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Re: Flag next to film titles

Post by iceblox »

On a similar note, it really pisses me off when some people add foreign movies to the database under their English names, with the real name in the AKA field (please put the English names as AKA, folks!). And worse, sometimes not even bothering to put the real name under AKA (this one wouldn't even show up in search).

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