And now for something completely different

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And now for something completely different

Post by Stewball »

It's just been announced that Ben Affleck and Matt Damon will be doing an anti-corporate movie where corporations are the end-all evil in the world. When will they realize that if "corporations have unlimited power", it IS the government. It doesn't matter whether the government owns everything (communism), or not (fascism), or claims a higher authority (theocracy). Socialism is power that's anti-freedom and anti-individual by default, whatever it's called--They all use the same blind faith.

They should stick to doing movies like Dogma which had a voice of sanity like George Carlin as Cardinal Glick, "The Catholic Church does not make mistakes". Above all, we need to develop our God given sense of humor, which our dynamic duo has most certainly lost. Loose the scowl, to wit:


There isn't a liberal on Earth that uses a self-deprecating sense of humor. They are all full time on the anger scale somewhere and would explode.

***(Ooh, ooh, guess the image! Image)

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Re: And now for something completely different

Post by CMonster »

Oh, more political stuffs.

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