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The Freshman
Clark Kellogg is a young man starting his first year at film school in New York City. After a small time crook steals all his belongings, Clark meets Carmine "Jimmy the Toucan" Sabatini, an "importer" bearing a startling resemblance to a certain cinematic godfather. (imdb)
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Pas de deux
Pas de deux (1968) - Short Film
Two ballet dancers perform a dance enhanced with surreal multi and after-image effect visuals. (imdb)
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After years of looking for Mr. Right, Charlotte 'Charlie' Cantilini (Lopez) finally finds the man of her dreams (Vartan) only to discover that his mother (Fonda) is the woman of her nightmares. (New Line Cinema)
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9 Songs
Matt, a young glaciologist, soars across the vast, silent, icebound immensities of the South Pole as he recalls his love affair with Lisa. They meet at a mobbed rock concert in a vast music hall -- London's Brixton Academy. They are in bed at night's end. Together, over a period of several months, they pursue a mutual sexual passion whose inevitable stages (familiar to anyone who's ever been in love) unfold in counterpoint to the nine live-concert songs of the story's title. (Tartan Films)
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Office Space
Peter Gibbons, thanks to a hypnotic suggestion, decides not to go to work at the same time his company is laying people off. When layoffs affect his two best friends, they conspire to plant a virus that will embezzle money from the company into their account. (imdb)
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Belle epoque
In 1931, a young soldier (Fernando) deserts from the army and falls into a country farm, where he is welcomed by the owner (Manolo) due to his political ideas. Manolo has four daughters (Rocio, Violeta, Clara and Luz). Fernando likes all of her and they like him, so he has to decide which one to love (imdb)
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The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Robert Ford joins Jesse James's gang, only to become resentful of the legendary outlaw and hatch a plan to kill the fastest gun in the West. (imdb)
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Monkey Trouble
A young girl's life turns hairy when her new pet monkey turns out to be a trained pickpocket on the run from a scheming gypsy. (imdb)
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Howards End
Encounter of three social classes of the England at the beginning of the century : the victorian capitalists (the Wilcoxes) considering themselves as aristocrats, whose only god is money ; the enlightened bourgeois (the Schlegels), humanistic and philanthropist ; and the workers (the Basts), fighting to survive. The Schlegel sisters' humanism will be torn apart as they try both to softly knock down the Wilcox's prejudices and to help the Basts. (imdb)
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Franz Woyzeck (Kinski) is a hapless, hopeless soldier, alone and powerless in society, assaulted from all sides by forces he cannot control. (imdb)
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