Robert May

Robert May

Total Credits at Criticker: 3 (Actor), 1 (Director), 3 (Writer)

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Titles you haven't rated - Actor (3) | Director (1) | Writer (3)

    Rejected (2000) - Short Film
    An animator's commisxioned works, rejected because of their increasingly absurd and violent tone (reflecting the animator's own progressive breakdown)... (imdb)
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    Lily and Jim
    Lily and Jim (1997) - Short Film
    Lily and Jim are interviewed about their disastrous blind date. (imdb)
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    Welcome to the Show/Intermission in the Third Dimension/The End of the Show
    A "trilogy" of surreal and funny cartoons, produced exclusively to book-end the first year of The Animation Show's travelling theatrical tour. (imdb)
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