Yuki Inomata

Yuki Inomata

Total Credits at Criticker: 4 (Actor)

Picture submitted by Bullt

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    Lovesick Dead
    Schoolgirls are having their fortunes told by a mysterious boy dressed in black--he can predict how their love lives will pan out. But knowing too much about the future can also be destructive... (HKFlix)
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    Mirrored Mind
    Guiding us along with an actress who suffers an identity crisis when all at once she finds herself spirited away from the bustle of Tokyo to a tropical paradise, director ISHII poses philosophical questions about the origins of our soul. (imdb)
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    Digital Short Films by Three Filmmakers 2004
    Influenza (...) Bong’s disturbingly humorous mockumentary traces the downward spiral of an unemployed 31 year-old man as he is captured on Seoul’s omnipresent CCTVs and observation cameras. (...) Dance With Me to the End of Love (...) Masochists only need apply. (...) Mirrored Mind (...) A woefully inarticulate and emotionally wraught young actress (Miwako Ichikawa) abandons a film her boyfriend is shooting. (https://jonpais.wordpress.com)
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    Der rote Punkt
    A young Japanese student discovers a box of old photographs that leads her on a journey to Germany where she learns about her childhood. "The Red Dot" she finds on a map holds a special significance. (imdb)
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