
Flick Fan - 78 Film Ratings
Member Since: 07 Apr 2020
Location: USA
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Bio: Fat retard making a list and checking it once. 99 Score Reviews just mean I saw it but don't remember enough to review.

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80 16% Max Reload and the Nether Blasters (2020)
"-1 For utterly insane and inane. -1 for being too drunk to remember most of it. Hurt my mind. RIP Geltmann."
80 16% Flatland (2007)
"Very interesting display of the classic story, however the ending is basically just the team running out of steam so terrible conclusion (there isn't one)."
100 91% Night Pulse (2018)
"Time Motion engineers vie for control of the 90s meanwhile the damn thing goes IP2 and assaults the viewer viciously to assuage their Quiet"
90 32% Waking Life (2001)
"-1 for the slow opening but otherwise spitting dime nonstop until the horrid climax"
100 91% Strange Days (1995)
"Really good scifi adventure of the best greasy creep put to the screen in the middle of a racial conflict"
100 91% Primer (2004)
"Those rats in the attic find a way to shred sanity"
90 32% Wax, or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees (1991)
"-1 Ending kinda sucks in regards to the climax but otherwise the perfect Quiet"
90 32% Wake in Fright (1971)
"-1 Madness and kinda gay but otherwise shreds sanity perfectly"
80 16% Airplane Mode (2019)
"-1 For excessive coke bloat man. -1 for too many sex scenes. Great high roller movie."