
Film Freak - 805 Film Ratings
Member Since: 24 Jul 2009
Location: Austin, Texas, USA
Bio: Just because I rate a movie poorly doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. There are movies that suck but I enjoy, and movies that just suck.

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60 35% Kick-Ass Kick-Ass (2010) - Rated 08 May 2010
"Unlikeable characters. Immoral/unethical relationships that I might be able to overlook except that it's so egregious. Suggests realism and then throws it out the window. Creates a counter-argument for everything it purports itself to be. Is it some analysis of heroism like Watchmen, a semi-serious hero movie like Spiderman, or a flippant action movie like Wanted/Crank (2)? I don't think even Mark Millar knows."