
Flick Fan - 19 Film Ratings
Member Since: 17 Jan 2010
Location: Tczew, Pomerania, Poland, Poland
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82 76% El Topo (1970) - Rated 18 Jan 2010
"It's a little bit worse than The Holy Mountain, but still really good. As always Jodorowsky uses grotesque images, occultism, and amputees to take us on an exotic trip we've never experienced before."
90 92% The Holy Mountain (1973) - Rated 18 Jan 2010
"A classic, it's filled with symbolism, occult images and metaphor. A must seen for any fan of cult movies."
40 15% Willard (2003) - Rated 18 Jan 2010
"Disappointing, I expected something far more original and captivating. Instead I've seen something that could as well be a movie for children if it wasn't for the sad ending and one killing scene, and the death of the mother. But really it was nothing special according to me, a social misfit "getting revenge" is nothing new."
76 50% Gummo (1997) - Rated 18 Jan 2010
"It's an interesting, original and fresh film, which details the moral downfall of a town after a tornado. It has some scenes you won't find anywhere else, and it's pretty much the only movie about killing cats for a profit that I know of. It's pretty much a new take on drama, instead showing a linear storyline it shows seemingly disconnected images which tell the story of a destroyed town and it's residents. Plus, the ending is great in my opinion, It makes great use of the song "crying"."
10 2% What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole (2006) - Rated 18 Jan 2010
"This is a prime example of "quantum quackery". As most new age theories it does have a small similarity to the theories of Crowley, and other occultist, but there's one difference. Crowley truly tried to be scientific in the true sense of the word. This movie uses science as a "godly" unquestionable authority to sell it's wacky theory. That's not science, that's pseudoscience. Plus, I would be skeptical of anything a housewife which claims to be the channel to anyone from Atlantis says."
20 7% The Secret (2006) - Rated 18 Jan 2010
"I still remember a really good quote from one of the many parodies of this film " So you ask, you believe, and you receive the bike from the old pedophile". If you ask me it's a something they stole from children films, but it if you stretch it a bit it does have some similarity to a few principles in western occultism. Of course this is a gross oversimplification. And they are not as easy to use or as handy as this movie claims, there's no magical way to get rich without action."
82 76% Pink Floyd The Wall (1982) - Rated 18 Jan 2010
"A really good musical, which tells an interesting story using metaphor and song."
40 15% Bad Taste (1987) - Rated 18 Jan 2010
"It's porn, they just substituted blood for cum. Everything else is about the same as in a porn movie, low budget, crappy storyline, and special effects for the sake of them. I think it's supposed to be funny, but I don't get it. It might be just me though. I'm not a fan of slapstick humor, especially not such an extreme one."
45 23% Tripping the Rift: The Movie (2008) - Rated 18 Jan 2010
"I'm generally a real fan of adult animation, but this movie was really a disappointment. While the whole series is mediocre at best (it tries to hard to offend, and over-uses sexual humor to the point when you wonder if a hormone-packed teenager didn't write it by any chance) This movie is just... bad. Firstly it's not a movie at all. It's a few episodes of the series put together, and the episodes the terminator spoof wasn't so good to begin with."
70 39% Hard Candy (2006) - Rated 18 Jan 2010
"A new take on pedophilia- the kids strike back. It's one of the few movies that take a different view on the whole issue of pedophilia. While watching you might sometimes even sympathize with the sexual predator, but not often..."