Bakuretsu toshi

Bakuretsu toshi

1h 55m
Set in a barren, futuristic Tokyo of highways and wastelands, a rowdy group of punk bands and their fans gather to protest the construction of a nuclear power plant. Riot police and the factory owner's yakuza friends soon move in to break it up. However, the arrival of a pair of mysterious, metal-clad bikers and a revolt among the disgruntled construction crew makes for a situation that spirals dangerously out of control... (
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Bakuretsu toshi

1h 55m
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Avg Percentile 49.06% from 48 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 25 May 2019
A couple of rival punk bands, a group of cyborg bikers, a yakuza clan and an army of cops wage war on each other in a futuristic city. The influence on Tsukamoto and especially Miike is obvious, a nonstop cavalcade of frantic punk music and nihilistic hyperviolence. Lacking any real narrative, it's a continuous series of battles with Japanese dudes shouting at each other and brawling all over the place. It's a daring piece of filmmaking, but not one I'm sure I'll be revisiting any time soon.
Rated 03 Sep 2009
Doesn't make a lick of sense to me. Completely worth seeing as the catalyst to a revolution in Japanese filmmaking style and business. But it's completely nonsensical.
Rated 11 Dec 2023
The frantic camera work and the chaotic punk atmosphere/aesthetic can't hide the fact that underneath the Japanese 70s/80s counterculture manifesto lies a boring movie. How I described it is appealing but I didn't give a shit about this. The "plot" is barebones, and you're left with musical numbers (with some admittedly decent tunes) that only annoy me because it makes me wait longer to get back to whatever plot is there. As a statement, it's important, as a movie it leaves a lot to be desired.


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