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The young circus performer Stella is adored by two men: An earl and a jeweler. She fancies the earl the most, but at some point the jeweler made advances to her and the earl hits him. The jeweler challenges the earl - to a card game. After some luck the earl loses again and again. At the end he has to sign an instrument of debt of 85000 Mark. He buys a gun with the intent to commit suicide. Stella discovers the gun and takes it away from him. Stella goes to the jewelers and steals a necklace. (imdb)

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Avg Percentile 45.02% from 10 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 26 Apr 2015
The picture gets dragged down by the usual sort of tawdry complications and resolution this genre demands, but Asta Nielsen's performance can make you overlook a lot of shortcomings. The production's a little rough in places (it doesn't help that the lighting's way too harsh) but Gad brings some good creative touches: there's a mirror shot, a clever little pan shot as the earl hesitates at Stella's door, etc.


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