Kamikaze Taxi

Kamikaze Taxi

2h 49m
A young foot soldier in the yakuza seeks revenge when his prostitute girlfriend dies after a session with a high-ranking Japanese politician with a taste for torture. He sets out on a 'kamikaze' mission to kill his bosses and the politician; along the way, he acquires the aid of a taxi driver who has recently returned to Japan after living in South America for several decades and is struggling to cope with poverty and the prejudices of native-born Japanese. (imdb)
Your probable score

Kamikaze Taxi

2h 49m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 66.2% from 15 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 30 Apr 2012
Astoundingly ambitious, veering seamlessly between documentary, comedy, road movie, action/gangster film, with hints of political drama, even throwing in a bit of magic. Beautifully and creatively shot, with an original and atmospheric soundtrack. Should be a major cult classic at the least, but I don't think there's even been a DVD release outside of Japan.
Rated 30 May 2015
Very strong throughout, but the best part comes first and the whole Japanese-from-Peru angle isn't that compelling. It's a little exhausting listening to the immigrant's slow broken Japanese. But the film is still great and a lot of the magic comes from how shockingly unafraid the characters are of death.
Rated 20 Mar 2016
Way too long and way too much screaming. Decent enough Yakuza/action/crime character study that could've used some editing. The version I watched ran a whopping 169 minutes, And I have to say that over half of it was interesting but then again that means I was also bored and/or frustrated with it for approximately an hour of it's running time.


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