Korol Lir

Korol Lir

2h 20m
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Avg Percentile 77.16% from 75 total ratings

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Rated 14 Nov 2015
Soviet cinema, and contemporary Russian cinema too, is a cinema of the earth, it uses the earth as an empty canvas to obtain distilled emotions and hence meanings. In that sense it is more of a nominalist philosophy than a crude materialism which explains the poetry in those movies: the slow movement of the wide-angled camera and the mixture of solemn attitude with slightly distorted mise-en-scenes makes this a spiritual experience oscillating between heaven and hell. Great cinema.
Rated 16 Dec 2020
Rei Lear da Inglaterra estreava há 50 anos na União Soviética. Pode me chamar de impressionável mas a suntuosidade do Ran do Kurosawa me ganha fácil em contraposição à austeridade soviética do Kozintsev. Não me entenda mal, este é um puta filme, gosto imensamente do uso que se faz da trilha sonora nele, mas não é a melhor adaptação da peça de Shakespeare como andei lendo por aí. Plus: O bobo da corte continua sendo minha personagem favorita de Rei Lear. DVDRip no MakingOff.
Rated 14 Sep 2021
A father/king facing mortality mistakenly tries to engineer a future in which his daughters will provide him with the care he needs to negotiate his decline. His cosmos is further disrupted by the actions of a man whose illegitimate birth seems to have left him with a feeling of being unconstrained by any obligation. Kozintsev again liberates Shakespeare from the confines of the theatre, using a sweeping sense of the expanses of time and space to anchor the tragedy in a more immense locality.


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