The Anniversary

The Anniversary

Short Film
In 1963 a boy and his mother are left in Saigon while his father and brother flee to seek shelter from religious persecution in North Vietnam. The two brothers meet as strangers in a hapless confrontation during the war in 1973. Thirty years later, a Buddhist monk is still haunted by his memories of war and betrayal on the anniversary of his brother's death.This is a tragic story that resonates deeply to this day in the hearts of many Vietnamese and Vietnamese-American families. (imdb)
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The Anniversary

Short Film
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Avg Percentile 83.55% from 2 total ratings

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Rated 13 Apr 2009
Very good short narrative about tragedies of war in perspective of one family, especially having in mind that this is film student work. It might get a bit confusing, because the story is set in three different alternating time lines, but in the end it all connects into one tragic story. It could have used wider lensing, but nature of Vietnam and inside on the Buddhist temple is shot beautifully.


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