To Beat the Band
To Beat the Band
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To Beat the Band

To Beat the Band

Comedy, Musical
An eccentric heir must marry a widow in order to collect the millions left to him in his aunt's will, so a suicidal neighbor agrees to marry the man's young fiancée before offing himself.

To Beat the Band

Comedy, Musical
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 77.4% from 1 total ratings

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Rated 16 Feb 2015
Hugh Herbert has to marry a widow to inherit 59 million, so a chance acquaintance with suicidal Roger Pryor comes in very handy! Well, widow Helen Broderick wasn't a hand in this too. So does the band lead who'll get the money if he don't marry a widow. And so starts the absurdities! Silly offbeat comedy, a few tunes and dance numbers for a surprisingly lively obscure RKO farce.


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