
Criticker Newbie - 2 Film Ratings
Member Since: 14 Jul 2021
Location: USA
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94 0% Breaking Bad (2008)
"One of the best shows I've seen in a long time. Acting is great, Most characters are great, Story is fantastic, and the show keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire way through. My biggest problem with it though are some characters. Main one being Lydia. Lydia is clearly a pivotal character in the story, however she isn't expressed in that way and I just wish they took the time to flesh out her character just a BIT more. I truly would've cared more for her then."
63 0% Underworld (2003)
"Movie was ok. Characters (especially Lucian) we're interesting, so was the setting. Acting and story was great, however the movie falls with it's action the most. The action was particularly dull and the romance between Selene and Michael was just non-existent. I felt like they put it in there just for the sake of any romance. Movie is overall passable for what it is."