Breaking Bad
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Breaking Bad

2008 - 2013
TV Series
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Avg Percentile 83.69% from 5883 total ratings

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Rated 02 Sep 2015
Riveting. Features masterful writing, acting, directing, and cinematography throughout. Season 5's "Ozymandias" - arguably the series' true climax - might be the best episode of TV I've ever seen.
Rated 15 Sep 2015
It amazes me to this day how much of this show the writers made up as it went. As it progresses, it goes from "good" to "great" to "HOLY GOD HOW THE FUCK DOES A SHOW THIS AMAZING EXIST IN A WORLD BOUNDED BY THE LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS?!" This show contains some of the best characterization, and character moments, I've ever seen anywhere. It beautifully, perfectly accomplishes exactly the kind of things that take years of trust and knowledge of the characters to build, and it all works.
Rated 05 Sep 2015
I was discussing with one of my friends how both of us very strongly connected with Walt. That's when I realized that this is really just a power fantasy for the cynical. It's about how we all want to be two steps ahead so we can say "fuck you" to everybody while still being human enough to bumble our way though ignorance and mistakes. And in the end, it doesn't end well for us. At the end we just want to go back to when things were simple and chaotic. Before we became worse than what we hated.
Rated 02 Sep 2015
Seems to strive for an air of authenticity despite being totally ludicrous, which is a balancing act I'd argue the show fails to pull off. More easily recognizable as a comedy than a drama. Super boring up until the 4th season when it finally starts to make something of itself. Bryan Cranston and Giancarlo Esposito are the highlights. Vince Gilligan is an unremarkable writer and moralist. Malcolm in the Middle was better.
Rated 03 Sep 2015
'Breaking Bad' is a rather shrewd feminist satire of the male ego, notable for two things: 1) The transformation of the main protagonist from anti-hero into full on bad guy. 2) The impressively dark peaks. But when all is said and done we have to ask ourselves: Is this 'The Wire'? Answer is no. No it is not.
Rated 01 Sep 2015
Exactly what television series are supposed to be. Instead of trying to replicate the direction of film, which in that regard is a much superior format, it emphasizes writing. Employing a gigantic character arc that is impossible to pull off in a shorter time span. That last season was simply amazing. Loved the humor.
Rated 28 Sep 2015
The overarching character arc from antihero to villain is what ties this together, but the wealth of performances (that deepen after the first few episodes), the irresistible humor, the tension, the visual direction, and the pay-offs are what make this great. One of my favorite TV shows of all time.
Rated 20 Oct 2015
Flawless crime drama with just the right dash of dark humour.
Rated 01 Sep 2015
Cranston's insanely good performance made the show believable, despite how outlandish everything really was. And watching the final season was one of my fondest television zeitgeist memories. On rewatch, I note that the first season's biggest flaw--some thin characters--is turned on its head by giving basically everybody other than Junior really unbeatable character developments and plot arcs. Solidly my #2 tv drama (at least maybe until I finish the Sopranos).
Rated 05 Sep 2015
Such a wonderful premise of a typical normal family patriarch slowly devolving to his base emotions , brought on by some bad news. It's over the top and silly at times, but it's so well acted that one rarely feels taken out of moment.
Rated 20 Nov 2015
When people speak of the golden age of television, I immediately think of Breaking Bad as the shining, kingly example. It is perfectly written, perfectly acted, perfectly framed and directed, perfectly paced. From the first episode, it's as addictive as everyone's lauded it is, and every minute starts to blink away until you're craving the next episode. It's frankly the best television drama ever crafted.
Rated 06 Sep 2015
Seasons 1-5: One of the best television runs of all time. No question about it. A deep character study of the typical patriarch and unruly student. Except with meth. I've watched the series twice now, and I will watch it again. It's amazing.
Rated 16 Oct 2015
Breaking Bad is the pinnacle of TV drama. While the focus is certainly the transformation of Walter White, the richness of the periphery truly elevates his story. I don't think I've ever seen a show that so successfully builds suspense over multiple seasons toward a thunderous finish.
Rated 01 Sep 2015
A prophetic document for what has so far culminated in Jan 6. The key moment seems to be the destruction of the dream of the 'selfmade-carefree-millionaire-friend', who stole the idea of a now restless, bullied high school teacher. And rather than having to dumbly smile, accepting a facade in distributive justice, a repressed fantasy has with momentous force become a reality; a move to power from outside the law, bringing up the oblivious drug dealers, into the hidden rooms of high-end busines
Rated 22 Oct 2015
Bryan Cranston's transformation from chemistry teacher to drug king pin is easily the finest performance I have ever witnessed on television. Breaking Bad bad did everything right to keep you guessing and inching your way to the end of your seat. By the time the series ended you couldn't even sit through the emotional tension, you had to pace the room and question every bit of decision making and every word that was spoken. Easily top 3 best series of all time, no doubt about it.
Rated 29 Nov 2015
Everything comes together here, great writing and such a strong cast. At times hard to even take in how good this show is.
Rated 03 Sep 2015
Say my rating. (Note: At time of posting, I was the first one to make this joke and thus should be excused from how bad it is)
Rated 29 Sep 2015
A phenomenal, excitement/action/twist-packed crime thriller and an intimate character study about a man slowly losing his soul, that manages to be both in a near-perfect 50/50 balance without ever losing sight of one or the other. Some of the most gripping individual scenes in TV history, like the shootout in "One Minute" or the opening desert scene of "Ozymandias." A few points off for a bunch of poorly-developed Nazis taking over as the villains at the end. Nazis, you ain't no Gus Fring.
Rated 02 Sep 2015
Rated 06 Sep 2015
One Minute and Ozymandias being among the best episodes from any tv show ever!
Rated 14 Oct 2015
I guess I'm not a big fan of "important" TV dramas, having completely failed to appreciate Mad Men, Homeland, The X-Files, True Blood, Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, Oz, House of Cards, Deadwood, and The Wire -- the characters never meant anything to me and I didn't care what happened to them. Breaking Bad is a rare exception, a ridiculously impressive dramatic achievement in all respects, maintaining an ever-escalating level of white-knuckle tension throughout the length of its entire run.
Rated 05 Sep 2015
The slightly unusual hype that encompassed the final couple of seasons was a bit weird and irritating, but credit were its due, moments of the final season are among the greatest television ever made. White is an amazing character, and it's shot beautifully.
Rated 23 Sep 2015
I gave up after two episodes and have no other word to describe this than "moronic".
Rated 01 Sep 2015
There isn't much to say other than Breaking Bad is one of the best tv series of all time. The script isn't the best, it goes around in circles, and if you read into it you realize that a lot of what happened in the show was coincidental. Turns out, it's those coincidences that make it such a great show. The actors all shined in their roles (yes, even Skyler), and they knew to stop before it had a chance to become boring.
Rated 28 Nov 2015
Each episode is like a hit of crystal meth, a sudden euphoric rush followed by needing more when it's all over. Unlike crystal meth however, watching Breaking Bad doesnt make your teeth fall out or force you to turn tricks behind the Kwik-E-Mart
Rated 28 Sep 2015
One of the best TV shows ever made. Complete series.
Rated 06 Sep 2015
I'd never jumped out of my seat and yelled at the television until I watched this show.
Rated 08 Sep 2015
For high-octane thrills, it's likely that no other show has equaled it.
Rated 09 Apr 2016
Breaking Bad is brilliantly acted and well-written. It's almost always intense, and showcases a great character study along with plenty of action and occasional humour. It's also massively overrated. Often slow, with unlikable characters and an irritating fan base. Nevertheless, it's a cultural phenomenon that deserves (at least some of) the praise it has received.
Rated 31 Oct 2015
One of the few shows where the pilot is enough to garner a recommendation. No one had seen anything like it before, the father from Malcolm in the Middle, in his underwear careening through the desert in a beat-up combi, refitted to cook meth. Also of merit, the occasional utilisation of chemistry 'magic' to get out of various situations.
Rated 01 Sep 2015
It has the word "BAD" in it come on guys how good can this be. I've never even seen it
Rated 19 Jan 2016
Set the new bar for what serialized television is capable of.
Rated 06 Mar 2019
When Walt first breaks bad, there's a feeling of machismo escapism to it all-- a fantasy to be later punctured by the full consequences of Walt's selfishness, insecurity and degraded morals. Or at least, I guess that's how we're supposed to feel as viewers. When Walt is forced later in the series to confront people even more evil than he (Neo-nazis! Gasp!), it's a fist-pumping, badass celebration whenever he triumphs. In other words, this series really wants to have its cake and eat it too
Rated 08 Dec 2016
Aside from a few severe, head-scratching missteps, this show is a miraculous emergence of storytellers and actors coming together to create an incredibly engaging epic of pride and greed.
Rated 08 Jan 2016
The pizza on the roof scene will go down in history as the best thing ever.
Rated 02 Sep 2015
For the fist couple of seasons, I wasn't that into it. Sure it was good, but not a binge-watching show like some of it's contemporaries. But by the end of season 3 the slow build up pays off, and the final two seasons become an intense tour de force as the world falls apart, eventually culminating in one of the most satisfying finales in TV history.
Rated 27 Oct 2022
2. sezon bitince bırakıldı. berbat bir dizi değil ancak 60 saat vakit harcanacak kadar da iyi değil. her bölüm başlarına gelen onlarca olay Akasya Durağı tadında. uyuşturucu satıcısı da olsalar bi insanın her gün böyle aksiyonlu yaşamı olmaz. başrolün motivasyonu da "inanılmaz önemli" değildi. dizinin devamını bilmiyorum ama verilen puanlara akıl sır erdiremedim. diziyi başyapıt yapacak tek şey; iki erkek başrolün oyunculuğu ve açık alanlardaki sinematografi. geri kalan her şey ortalama.
Rated 24 Jan 2016
The problem is that the entire story is told in the first season (maybe even the first episode tbh) and the rest is just hit or miss plotlines that mostly repackage and recycle the same ideas. It's still very slick and entertaining but treads close to meaningless exploitation trash. Yes Bryan Cranston is brilliant in the role and probably the reason I enjoyed it to the end, although there were a lot of good performances from both cast and crew.
Rated 27 May 2016
Breaking Bad is quite possibly the finest television series to ever hit the small screen.
Rated 27 Dec 2016
The ideal to which all other crime dramas should be measured up to.
Rated 15 Apr 2017
Breaking Bad's timeless story, finite performances, and striking visuals lend credence to the often-repeated claim that this is one of the finest television series to ever hit the small screen.
Rated 11 Nov 2021
Really overrated. Walter White's turn from mild-mannered chemistry teacher to McGyvering drug lord wannabe basically happens overnight and is hardly believable. Filled with lazy writing leading to predictable outcomes, deus ex machina, plot armor, ... Credibility progressively unravels after S2. Few characters, with thin characterizations. Middle-of-the-road direction, with a few good scenes. Really good actors. Compelling enough to keep on watching but hardly one of the greatest TV series ever.
Rated 04 Sep 2015
Totally engrossing. Loses 1 point for the ending which was really the only imperfection in this entire series. Beautiful cinematography, excellent acting.
Rated 06 Sep 2015
Rated 29 Sep 2016
After an occasionally slow start, this becomes a masterpiece.
Rated 12 Jun 2016
Watched this again recently and it is shocking to me how fucking perfect it is. The acting, directing, and writing is absolutely spot-on. I never realized how great a character Skyler is too. Easy to hate sure but she fucking nailed it. Don't even need to mention Cranston haha.
Rated 02 Oct 2020
People forget how much of this was boring.
Rated 22 Nov 2017
Saying way overrated is falling short. En episode about killing a fly... whatever! and then "Sunset" a Thrilling one. One or two in a season like this one do not compensate me to see the whole thing. After the sixth episode of the four season, I stopped watching. Something positive? Walter's wife and her evolution throughout the series. Period. I even prefer "Better Call Saul" although is not the big thing either.
Rated 31 Oct 2017
fuck it, I'm gonna be a total dork and rate it this high because, having watched the whole show from start to finish, I don't see how any lower mark could do it justice
Rated 18 Jul 2017
I don't get it. Am I supposed to praise this series as the best TV production ever? It was alright, but as I recall, there were many rough spots. I even got bored/annoyed sometimes, but had nothing better to do at the time.
Rated 29 Oct 2016
There was pretty everything done top notch. And the quality last till last season, last episode.
Rated 20 Mar 2016
Rated 08 Sep 2015
Loved this show, but I thought it peaked in the action-packed 4th season, with the 5th season being a 16 episode denouement that honestly bored me at times, lost all the humour and became just sad (I was positively giddy whenever Saul would drop in!). But definitely recommendable.
Rated 04 Aug 2016
Jesse is dumb enough that watching this literally makes me stupider. And then there's Skyler, the nails-on-chalk woman. I'll pass.
Rated 11 Sep 2018
What takes this from being an engaging crime drama and moves it into the realm of greatest shows ever made is the timeless performance of Bryan Cranston. Oh, and everything and everyone else is fantastic as well.
Rated 16 Jul 2019
While it has some fascinating character arcs, I'm very hesitant to call it the GOAT, or even the decade. It took me 3 tries to finally finish the show, the first two times getting stuck during the slow second season, and while the later seasons really amp up the tension, and feature some genuinely great episodes, the pseudo-heroic finale felt dissonant to the themes of the show and the show as a whole had maybe a few too many plot contrivances. Call it a lukewarm endorsement.
Rated 25 May 2020
When it's good, it's amazing. But it's otherwise slow, meaningless, repetitive, and at times outright terrible. It's a soap-opera for cinema lovers, complete with changing alliances, betrayals, unending relationship drama, and people always happening to be in the right place at the right time for the story to get more complicated.
Rated 29 Mar 2016
great acting and great writing all together in one
Rated 03 Sep 2015
2. Seeing it for a second time 13 years later it is still a phenomenal piece of TV. The writing for the vast majority of the show is incredible, with main and side characters alike written painfully well, matched only by the acting levels without match of pretty much the whole cast. What can I say that hasn't been said already? Vince Gilligan and the filmmakers managed to create cult-level characters and an original story that will stand the test of time. Season 5 is gut-wrenching to watch.
Rated 29 Oct 2015
-fly episode
Rated 10 Jul 2020
This is a down to earth movie about a family man who goes into drug dealing to leave money for his family. Turns out, he's good at it.
Rated 03 Sep 2015
Look everybody, this is a really good show but you're overrating it! There are annoying characters that you're supposed to root for, and incredible pacing issues at times. The fact that there are moments of amazement doesn't make the show perfect.
Rated 28 Jun 2020
never has a media product been so rewarded by an audience for its log line. and while the series is mostly ostentatious fanservice that eventually redeems itself, you gotta wade through hours of "awesomeness" to get there. every bit as mind-grating as comic book writing and comic book readers combined.
Rated 21 May 2019
I try to separate myself from expectations but sometimes it's hard to. This was touted as one of the GOAT shows, and on the second attempt to watch it I asked a friend when it became the best show ever and he said last season. The last season is awesome, but the rest of it is not that level of quality as a whole. Good premise and legendary performance by Cranston aside, I'll fully admit that BB is great but not one of the big boys, mostly because it can't utilize its premise effectively.
Rated 19 Jun 2020
Rated 05 Sep 2015
This along with the Punisher and Fight Club forms the Holy Trinity of popular culture that a lot of guys miss the entire point of. BB is a great show but if anything wraps up TOO satisfyingly, with all the i's dotted & t's crossed (extending to the El Camino movie). Better Call Saul is slightly superior.
Rated 10 Jan 2022
The story of a man discovering who he truly is when faced with the prospect of death. A masterpiece of story telling, acting, character development, allusion, imagery, directing, etc. This show is the golden standard against which all shows should be compared.
Rated 20 Jun 2024
Not a bad episode. I prefer Better Call Saul but only because I know someone like the supporting character in that series. If I knew a Jesse Pinkman type I'm sure I would know that charcuter is completely fleshed out.
Rated 05 Jun 2018
I'd make it shorter and more complex
Rated 27 Dec 2017
It's a good show. But man, people have the wrong heroes!
Rated 21 Jul 2017
This show is painfully lacking in profundity and Walter White is one of the stupidest villains who manages to be a genius at the same time. There is something seriously wrong with this man's impulse control and it's infuriating as hell. The ending was also disappointingly anti-climactic. All that said, though, it must have done something for me, because I binged it in two weeks. It's a great show, no doubt, but Better Call Saul is a much stronger show still.
Rated 17 Jan 2024
Obviously, excellent show and most people agree. However, I feel as though sometimes the plots are hard to follow, and I feel as though they abandoned Walter's... established book-smarts after the first season. I would've liked more references to how he was originally, his chemical knowledge, his college-learning. (P.S. Skyler White Deserves Better.)
Rated 01 Jan 2022
Baffling motivations, plot-holes, that lazy tv writing thing where nobody tells anyone anything, only a dozen people exist in the whole state... It's almost OK.
Rated 29 Aug 2016
Greatest fucking TV show of all time.
Rated 19 Sep 2015
Mythbusters tested scenes from this series and their conclusion was that the tricks wouldn't work in real life.
Rated 03 Jan 2024
technically 78-80 maybe. grew on me after. like last 4 eps 85-90 though. S1 great for high concept but not as good as S2 gets especially with jesse. S3 i liked less most of it cuz jesse faded but still maintained that quality. then both walt and jesse were inconsistent for me but the gus plot for 4 got crazy. but thats really when this felt like a "write them into it then write them out of it" kinda show as opposed to more logical acceptance like GoT writing, which i prefer but bb did its great
Rated 10 Nov 2018
Rated 26 Oct 2015
goodbye baby blue!
Rated 09 Aug 2023
S1: 80, S2: 90, S3: 95, S4: 90, S5: 95
Rated 14 Jul 2021
One of the best shows I've seen in a long time. Acting is great, Most characters are great, Story is fantastic, and the show keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire way through. My biggest problem with it though are some characters. Main one being Lydia. Lydia is clearly a pivotal character in the story, however she isn't expressed in that way and I just wish they took the time to flesh out her character just a BIT more. I truly would've cared more for her then.
Rated 27 Jul 2022
There is a genuine reason why this show became so extremely popular well written cool visual effects and high stakes the characters themselves can become a little annoying but I think that’s because almost none of them are meant to be likeable / redeemable
Rated 29 Apr 2018
ger; [breaking bad]; einem chemielehrer wird lungenkrebs diagnostiziert und um seine rechnungen zu begleichen, startet er mit einem früheren studenten die produktion von crystal meth.;
Rated 01 Sep 2015
A few false starts and some pretty stupid shit to begin with, but ultimately develops into a thoughtful, entertaining series with an authentic and staunch artistic vision.
Rated 12 Oct 2015
Season 1: 50, Season 2: 55, Season 3: 65, Season 4: 85, Season 5: 85
Rated 25 Jan 2020
One of the best T.V. shows ever made, bar none
Rated 24 Jul 2018
I'd argue this is the best TV show of all time. Season 4 and 5 are peak action movies with some of the greatest TV episodes ever.
Rated 15 Sep 2015
The first 3 seasons are great, good mix of drama and comedy. Then came season 4, which is still good up to the last few episodes, in which a character sets up a needlessly complicated plan to manipulate another character into helping him execute another plan, which fails, prompting another plan. Then, as it enters season 5, characters devolve into caricatures and the story advances through multiple deus ex machina. Fortunately, it wraps up nicely with a straightforward ending.
Rated 19 Dec 2019
A great TV series. The earlier seasons were better than the latter ones. I honestly thought this thing was a comedy for the first several episodes. I find Better Call Saul a better series.
Rated 03 Oct 2015
MAKE A SEPARATE WEBSITE FOR TV, OR MINIMALLY BREAK THE SHOW DOWN BY INDIVIDUAL SEASONS - Honestly the first few seasons are somewhat forgettable. The show doesn't start to get really good until Gus enters the picture, more specifically when Walter tells Skylar that he is "the one who knocks". The progression of Walter White is one of the best character studies ever done in the modern TV era. The episodes leading up to the series finale was hands down some of the best television I've ever seen.
Rated 17 Mar 2017
good series
Rated 07 Dec 2015
Best series ever.
Rated 03 Apr 2021
Explores the worst kind of characters humanity can produce. Many people say that the show has really believable characters. I don't think that. I think these characters are way too flawed for an average person. These are garbage people. It has its interesting plots and it is certainly very well written, but I definitely don't want to spend my free time watching characters like this. Overall not entertaining for me and I cannot solve why other people like it so much, so can't recommend it.
Rated 30 Nov 2022
Rated 31 Dec 2017
O kadar mükemmel bir dizi ki daha iyisini yapabileceklerini sanmıyorum. Her şeyiyle mükemmel. Oyuncularıyla, kamera açılarıyla, senaryosuyla, karekter değişimi ile... Her şeyiyle. Bir dizide nasıl final yapılırın örneği bu dizi. Belki 5 kere tekrar tekrar izlemişimdir baştan sona. Heisenberg forever!
Rated 09 Nov 2016
5 seasons in.. what?.. four days?
Rated 26 Apr 2023
Worth watching a few episodes, but all the psychopathic characters get on my nerves long term.
Rated 27 Oct 2019
The best TV drama I have seen to date. Perfection!
Rated 08 Jul 2017
[through season 5] A very skillful use of the episodic form.
Rated 06 Apr 2016
Say my name....You got them right I am! My number one.
Rated 18 Mar 2023
Some parts are a bit cartoony but overall it's just an intense and engaging show.


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