
Celluloid Junkie - 4087 Film Ratings
Member Since: 29 May 2009
Location: Bavaria, Germany

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85 88% Avatar Avatar (2009) - Rated 17 Dec 2009
"DAMN YOU JAMES CAMERON! So here I was, getting comfy in my IMAX seat, putting my 3D-Glasses on, going over my assorted vocabulary of expletives to shred asunder what I fully expected to be yet another phony, pompous popcorn-flick (Hello Transformers 2!), just to be greeted with? A pretty decent movie! Yes, the story is shallow (gun-toting Cowboys, err, Marines battle the indigenous Indians, err, Aliens for their land), but done well. Take note Michael Bay! This is how you spend a AAAA-Budget!"
85 88% Redline Redline (2009) - Rated 07 Sep 2010
"Capital R for Retinal Onslaught. Redline is an unapologetic amalgamation of Speedracer on crack mixed with a heavy (healthy?) dose of Moebius influenced production-design. It' also one of the very few cases where I wished for an animated feature to run at least 30 minutes longer, just to flesh out the peripheral characters. As it stands, the story runs thin, but the sheer visual spectacle makes up for it. Give this a whirl if you get the chance!"
90 94% Funny Games Funny Games (1997) - Rated 11 Feb 2010
""Why are you doing this?", "Why not?". Fuck, this is one horrifying movie experience... A harrowing tale, descending into the deepest abyss of human depravity. And probably the ultimate proof that austrians are evil incarnate ;D (hard to imagine this without Frisch's captivating performance, can't fathom how it could've worked dubbed... ungh)."
100 99% 12 Angry Men 12 Angry Men (1957) - Rated 23 Feb 2010
"If you told me beforehand that a decade old, dialog-laden movie, trapped inside a single room could magically hold my attention for more than a mere 5 minutes, I would have questioned your sanity (seeing how easily bored I am). Alas, I was completely wrong. This is one hell of a cinematic masterpiece, nay; a timeless, sociological accomplishment, as tackling primordial themes like peer pressure and the responsibility to question authority are more relevant than ever. Defines "essential viewing"."
75 69% La vida loca La vida loca (2008) - Rated 11 Feb 2010
"Grow up, live, laugh, love, get shot to death on your 25th birthday... La vida loca is a brutal chronicle; but calling it a documentary would be stretching the usual connotations to the genre thin. There's no explanation, no apparent narrative. Instead you're thrown into the fray, confronted with bare-knuckle imagery that borders the surreal (or was I the only one shocked by the routine at the wake(s)?). Though real enough that Poveda had to pay with his life for it. A crazy life indeed."