Your probable score


Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 42m
A paraplegic marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home.


Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 42m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 49.91% from 18345 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 02 Apr 2010
So this was what the fuss was all about, eh? People sure are impressed easily. Nothing in the story came as a surprise, everything is so damn BLAND and cliché, and the new-agey 'one with nature' nonsense got tiresome quickly. Sure it looks colorful, but so what? Kind of depressing how many different, better movies could have been made from the same monstrous budget. If this is the future of cinema, please kill me now.
Rated 17 Dec 2009
DAMN YOU JAMES CAMERON! So here I was, getting comfy in my IMAX seat, putting my 3D-Glasses on, going over my assorted vocabulary of expletives to shred asunder what I fully expected to be yet another phony, pompous popcorn-flick (Hello Transformers 2!), just to be greeted with? A pretty decent movie! Yes, the story is shallow (gun-toting Cowboys, err, Marines battle the indigenous Indians, err, Aliens for their land), but done well. Take note Michael Bay! This is how you spend a AAAA-Budget!
Rated 04 Jan 2016
For all you wide-eyed dreamers who yearn to see blue cat people have hair-sex with trees... I'm delighted to tell you, your time has come.
Rated 22 Dec 2009
I don't know what Cameron was doing for the 12 years between Titanic and this, but it was worth the wait. Transported me to another world instantly. Had a couple of cringe moments (sex scene, but Cameron could never shoot those anyways) but overall pretty good. Don't care about whatever message it was sending, it was just a good time. I have to say though that my favorite part is when my friend stepped in someones puke as we were leaving the theater. Good times.
Rated 16 Dec 2009
Cameron develops Pandora as a whirlpool that swallows you whole with its immersion. The amount of detail and thought gone into this picture is absolutely monstrous. 3D is utilized to aid this effect and not just tacked on as a gimmick. Does it matter about the somewhat prosy plot? Well a bit, as repeated viewings hurt, least its pretty to look at.
Rated 23 Dec 2009
The greatest theater experience of my generation. In 3D. Not for small screens. While the plot pulls from multiple aspects of American history, (such as the slaughter of Natives, waging war in the middle east in search of oil, etc.), the viewer is taken to a place that is completely new and totally breathtaking. Complaints that the story isn't original? Hell, neither was Star Wars. There are no new stories, but there are new ways to tell them, as Avatar does. This is James Cameron's masterpiece.
Rated 16 Dec 2009
Predictable, predictable, predictable, but also immersive and with a keen sense of adventure. The 3D is pretty impressive.
Rated 19 Nov 2010
I watched this film couple of decades ago, it was called "dances with wolves" then.
Rated 19 Jan 2010
The CGI may be hailed as groundbreaking but in 20 years nobody's gonna remember this thing, apart from, perhaps, its massively bloated marketing-hype campaign. An obnoxiously-cliched story painfully grinds with a script that has all the nuances and subtlety of a Saturday morning cartoon. Protip: Show up to the theatre blazed out of your mind and your enjoyment will increase tenfold.
Rated 19 Dec 2009
What a blast. I cannot remember any movie which made me feel disappointed that it ended so soon. It's a a feast for the eyes and a must-see on the big screen. If you don't enjoy this flick, I don't know what can. Yes, the story-line is thin, but only whino's pay attention to that. This is the new Jurassic Park.
Rated 06 Jan 2010
On the one hand the story and characters don't feel remotely fresh or new. I've heard people call it "Pocahontas in space" and "Fern Gully in space", though really it's "Dances with Wolves on an alien planet"). While this is true the special effects are absolutely jaw dropping. You will literally forget you're watching CGI. Also, if you can, see this in 3D, it is incredible. Avatar has undoubtedly set the special effects bar for years to come and is the new Star Wars.
Rated 20 Dec 2009
Though 'Avatar' is a technological achievement in film-making, it's an awful long one that never lets you forget it. Every moment is so drawn out that it begins to lose its sheen. Every animal is followed by a Wall-E dance through the sky or a hyper run through the glowing forest. The villains are extremely one-dimensional. They like money and destruction. Why? Because they do. But no time for explanations within the 3-hour run time, because now you're flying through the forest again! Not a fan.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
Avatar is a feast for the eyes. Detail is revenantly prominent and recurring in allocation for Cameron's open-world habitat of Pandora. And while the technological 3-D helps host some of the most visually groundbreaking scenery in film, the heavily hyped "milestone" of filmmaker James Cameron has its flaws. For one, the dialogue is awful and the pacing of the plotline is deplorable. Sam Worthington is a likeable, young up-and-coming actor however, and he was decent here.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
The story is familiar, but who cares? Cameron is such a gifted filmmaker that he makes the familiar seem like something new entirely. Was it a problem that T2 didn't have an innovative script? Of course not, the movie still sucked you in, and Avatar does just that. Nothing I can write will prepare you for the jaw-dropping spectacle of Pandora, you have to experience it for yourself. See it in 3D or don't see it at all. The level of detail is astonishing. As a sensory experience, it has no equal.
Rated 26 Feb 2010
This was fun. The story is simplistic, yes, recalling 'Dances with Wolves' amongst several. The characters are one-dimensional, sure, the human characters perhaps even more so than the Na'vi. No, the 3D doesn't add much to the experience. In fact, if anything, it's more distracting than immersive. But in the end this is all the entertainment you could wish for, so just delve into the densely detailed - and perhaps a bit too adolescent - world and enjoy. Cameron is back!
Rated 04 Jan 2010
Cameron's groundbreaking coloring book. 1 day this CGI may b used2 enhance a decent script.Numbingly predictable, the script is a rote, by-the-numbers take on environmentalism w/ flat& uninteresting characters all around.God knows y the protagonist is given 3 months2 study an alien culture that's never more complicated than every Native American stereotype u've known since that Indian cried back in the70's. His worst sin? Uninspired action scenes. Proves ain't no better effect than a good script
Rated 08 Jan 2010
(2nd viewing) Cameron's back after a 12 year sabbatical but delivers. With its technical prowess, colorful setting/creatures (provided by the great Richard Taylor) and vivid colors, 'Avatar' grabs you and lever lets go. It's a unique experience, a marvel to behold and ultimately makes up for any weaknesses the film may have.
Rated 26 Dec 2009
Bombastic,stunning,absolutely beautiful, exciting,revolutionary, interesting, gripping and of course action packed. Two Thumbs up for Mr. Cameron! But at least it is to be hoped, that Hollywood use this new "way", to extend the possibilities for directors. Never forget, that a movie needs more than only effects. It might be a a two-edged sword...time willl show...
Rated 18 Dec 2009
A boundless chimeric achievement of visual splendor. The world of Pandora is filled with life, wonder and unforeseen beauty; in many respects it harkens back to the romantic notion of being one with nature. Nevertheless, the clumsy writing, one-dimensional characters, and cliche plot about an embroiled war pitting man versus nature weakens its strong suits. Moreover, the silly pantheistic, environmental and anti-capitalists undertones reduces the overall appeal and effectiveness of the film.
Rated 17 Dec 2009
The 3D visionary effect wasn't really as groundbreaking as I hoped, the story was one of the most cliché and predictable I've ever seen in a movie this long in pre-production ;-), but the 3D animation of the characters and the world around them is quite stunning to say the least. A mixed bag and I really doubt if this is that big of a technical milestone as some people (namely Cameron himself) make it out to be. But still, not a bad flick.
Rated 05 Feb 2010
It's tough to try and roll Apocalypse Now, The Star Wars Trilogy & Starship Troopers into a cohesive film. It's worse when it fails. Make no mistake, Cameron's world he created was gorgeous. Cinematography was spectacular. But the attempt to ball eastern, african and native american philosophy & theology into a unique race failed. The story, with it's lesson of symbiosis between all living things was detracted by bad acting, one-dimensional characters & a predictable storyline.
Rated 23 Dec 2009
Lame, lame, AWESOME, good, lame AWESOME, good, lame, good. AWESOME. That's pretty much how I went through this movie. It's visually beautiful and I like the effort put into the world but the script isn't anything amazing and is very inconsistent and plays to a few stupid Hollywood conventions. I appreciate the armed rebellion aspect but it should have gone deeper into it. Still, it's a good sci-fi flick that everyone should see.
Rated 22 Dec 2009
Here comes another film set in the blue world by James Cameron. One of the most visually enchanting movies I have ever seen and the 3D is fantastic! When it comes to the story, yes, it does lack originality but it is nothing to be complained about. I don't remember the last time i enjoyed watching a movie at the theater so much.
Rated 21 Dec 2009
Okay: I kind of liked the idea of this, but it was a freaking cliché parade. I know better ways to portray both good and bad guys as the one used in this movie. It all has some great potential that is wasted. But despite everything, it did keep me entertained. Oh, and please, no sequel!
Rated 21 Dec 2009
We all knew the story before it even started and it's nothing special. What is special is how the story is presented. Cameron put a lot of care into this movie and it shows. The forest is amazing, as are the beasts, and our Smurf (while cartoonish) are probably the best computer animated characters I have seen on screen.
Rated 19 Dec 2009
Fine space opera, with fantastic visuals (and CGI people who deftly avoid the uncanny valley) and some of the most exciting big battle scenes since the Lord of the Rings trilogy. After years of sci-fi being either gritty and brown or sterile and grey it was nice to see some primary colors injected back into the genre. The gratuitous voiceover narration is the only major weakness. Between Avatar, Star Trek, District 9, and Moon, 2009 has been a really exciting year for cinematic sci-fi.
Rated 27 Aug 2010
Amazing film from beginning to end! This film thrusts you into the land of the Na'vi never wanting to leave. Watching in 3D Imax entrances the viewer due to the flawless CGI Cameron creates. A must see for all people. The sheer amount of people all the over world that have seen Avatar demonstrate that this is something great! Weaver with an amazing comeback role!
Rated 18 Jan 2010
Visually very impressive, even if the narrative is a formulaic variation on the tale of Pocahontas. An allegorical fantasy that expresses, relies upon and exploits the desire of audiences to find a world in which they no longer feel disconnected, disoriented and insignificant. Was the music intentionally forgettable? But the ill will it seems to generate in some quarters (“the clever”) also seems like bad conscience. “All energy is only borrowed, and one day you have to give it back”: nice line.
Rated 31 Dec 2009
Sure, the story certainly wasn't the most original in recent memory, but - at least for me - it was far from being generic. And with a budget of over 200 million dollars at stake, I just cannot blame Cameron for playing it a little safe. Especially since he still ended up with what was probably the most beautiful and vibrant entertainment I had in the last few years.
Rated 22 Dec 2009
2009 is turning out to be a great year for sci-fi. Cameron is able to create a beautiful world that is so easy to get you sucked in. Avatar is a visually stunning adventure that's a blast to watch, but don't go into it looking for substantial writing or groundbreaking plotline.
Rated 20 Dec 2009
Two great things: absolutely wonderful visual design with great execution and taking sides with the natives for once. Without these, it is just a silly cliche of an adeventure movie, very funny to watch and targetting teenagers and such. But more of it, this movie has a very pessimistic message: No matter how much developed they are, human beings will always be stupid, brutal, greedy bastards.
Rated 19 Dec 2009
Obviously amazing special effects and action sequences, but damn, the rest of it was repulsive. Watch this in 5-10 years and it'll have nothing going for it.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
I don't remember when I was last as immersed in a movie as I was in this one. The plot is cliched and some of the dialogue is horrible but I still loved every minute of it. Definitely something that's never been seen before. (edit) I lowered the score by ten points to what I think this movie's objectively worth.
Rated 17 Dec 2009
Scenery trumps story consistently throughout this stunningly beautiful cinematic experience. A new high watermark in terms of technical and artistic direction that simply doesn't have the story-telling to match. An experience that can't be missed.
Rated 26 Aug 2010
Avatar, directed by James Cameron, was considered one of the best movies of the year in 2009. The movie grossed more revenue than any other box office hit. However, the science-fiction movie completely disappointed me. While the characters did look extremely realistic, the underlying message was similar to modern paganism. The na'vis worshiped a tree, experiencing spirituality while connected to it. This movie waters down American morals, and that is not the type of movie that interests me.
Rated 01 May 2010
It's ok
Rated 08 Feb 2010
Wait, so those noble blue guys were good? Oh... then death to the ignorant, greedy, land-raping humans! OK, so this is a spectacular visual orgy of azure, but it's difficult not to buck against a conflict that is so simplified and manipulative. Credit for being engaging through a hefty runtime, allowing for some cathartic chuckling at the heaving score and heart-tugging sincerity. Still, the spectacle overrides my cynicism, just. Wish I had one of those USB ports in my hair though, they're sweet
Rated 21 Jan 2010
The only reason I'm not giving this 100 is the fact that the plot is extremely predictable... and not just at a few points throughout. If you have ever seen a movie before, you literally know what's going to happen next at every stinkin' point in the movie. BUT, despite the fact that it's riddled with cliches, all of them are extremely well done to the point that you really don't mind. The visuals are astounding (duh), and Zoe Saldana is crazy hot. Yeah, I said it.
Rated 14 Jan 2010
I don't mean to sound tacky but... holy shit. This movie's visuals are more intense than that of an LSD trip. Unfortunately, (insert cliche story/acting/dialogue criticism). But hey, it was still pretty insightful and it paints a great picture of how profiteering and war mongering play their role in society. What is truly unfortunate is that the film's metaphoric anti-Americanism theme will be completely lost on the popcorn munchers who are only there to check out the "totally awesome 3D bro!"
Rated 06 Jan 2010
Six years later, it's easy to see Avatar's flaws (a plot cobbled together from multiple, obvious influences; awkward dialogue; a forgettable lead; and its problematic politics), but it's even easier to view its strengths: a well-paced film that never drags at nearly 3 hours, great cinematography, effects work that hasn't aged a bit, and a plot that functions on a primal, universal level and stirs up feelings of adventure and excitement. Weak James Cameron is still better than most people's best.
Rated 04 Jan 2010
Formulaic. Predictable. Uninteresting. Boring. I really wanted to like this movie, but it's just dull from beginning to end. The special effects aren't that great and won't age well. This is the triumph of style over substance, sadly.
Rated 03 Jan 2010
Usually when a film has as such high powered hype as "Avatar" it doesn't lead to the intended result. But after watching this movie i have to say this is one of the best and most advanced motion capture animation to this date. It may have predictable elements but still the story remains strong and beautiful. if for nothing else go see it for the imax 3D it's worth it.
Rated 03 Jan 2010
"The Matrix" meets "Dances With Wolves" and xy other movies. But aren't there to see a new story. And to be honest, even though it screams hollywood, the movie stays entertaining for those three hours thanks to the effects. By the way, has anyone else seen those $ bills popping out of the flowers and waterfalls? Well, might be my imagination...
Rated 31 Dec 2009
While the technical achievements on display are undeniable, as a film Avatar is marred by some bad dialogue, worse character motivations - the villains - and a predictable plot that is somewhere between Princess Mononoke, Dune, and Last of the Mohicans. And normally that would not be a major fault, but for me, the film lacks the sincerity with its material to vault it from great to downright astonishing.
Rated 27 Dec 2009
Really beautiful movie (I gotta say: Pandora absolutely reminded me of Final Fantasy (the games, not "The Spirit Within") - which is a good thing because I love them) The CGI is completely well done and, even more important, used to create an amazing world, not for CGI's sake. The story is neither new nor very exceptional, but the gorgeous picture makes up for that. 3D - as great as it looks, I don't like it I miss the white white looking through those glasses and hate wearing them...
Rated 27 Dec 2009
i gotta say, this is not a good "movie". story is same with some other 50 movies. "the one" phenomenon or we call "saviour" at the same time. and a war between nations/races. we all have seen this before, perhaps fifty times. yeah i have to admit this is amazingly beautiful in terms of graphics. also deserves all the technical oscar rewards and for that we adore all the men behind the camera besides James Cameron. This is just great technology, not great movie.
Rated 26 Dec 2009
This is the most heavy-handed, trite film I've seen in ages. Expository narration, plot holes, blue cat-people (insultingly-stereotyped Native American savages) that are one with the planet must be lead by a noble, human warrior. It's a $400million Dances with Wolves. The 3D is a gimmick that adds little-to-nothing to the experience. Avoid at all costs. James Cameron NEEDS to stop writing and directing, instead focusing on pioneering the technology rather than its application.
Rated 22 Dec 2009
Technically speaking Avatar is an outstanding achievement. It is unlike anything I've ever seen before. As expected, the visuals and imagery are terrific and richly detailed. But as a story, it stumbles quite a few times. The plot is a little too derivative and generic. Avatar is a tremendous technical achievement. But what prevents it from becoming a masterpiece is the all too familiar plot that does not resonate well. It had so much potential for greatness but it didn't quite get there.
Rated 21 Dec 2009
Cameron knows what he's doing. He's created a living alien world while avoiding all the pitfalls of hack directors and delivering a story so perfectly executed that all we can criticize is how much it reminds us of other films. The actors are seemless, the special effects and 3D work flawless; in a way, technically perfect. So in a way, victim entirely to viewer bias. The alien design is just different enough from human for discomfort at the romantic subplot.
Rated 21 Dec 2009
Predictable notwithstanding, Cameron's expansive (and expensive) sci-fi opus is just a visual marvel. Its more memorable moments are filled with that long-missed sense of true awe & wonder. In order for you to love it you must accept its almost new-agey sensibilities but beyond that, it just a kick-ass film from a great filmmaker. The motion-capture technique has taken a new level of detail and fluidity you have never seen before. Groundbreaking and even moving, this is a true beauty to behold.
Rated 20 Dec 2009
Pretty good, but the plot leaves a little to be desired. The story isn't actively bad, it's just not the most engaging thing Cameron has ever written. I really just felt it needed a little more time in the beginning before jumping into the main action, much like Aliens did. As far as the technical and filmmaking side goes, however, it's totally flawless and maybe even revolutionary. Go see it in 3D IMAX!
Rated 09 May 2012
The scenery was amazing, but the Na'vi were disappointing in their looks. And don't get me started on that story.
Rated 20 Sep 2010
A technological marvel. A fantasy that burrows deep into the mythic layers of the American psyche, a sort of Dances with Wolves with blue cat people. Some people call it cliche, but a classic is just a cliche done right.
Rated 27 Aug 2010
Avatar is a gorgeous display of a vast new world, capturing childhood lessons as well as superb action scenes. Although the CGI may scare some people away, I strongly reccomend this anyone and everyone. It topped the charts for months, even has been brought back to theatres. If that doesnt allure you, im not sure what will. Constant edge of your seat drama that keeps you entertained. Best movie of 2009 by FAR and is a league of its own that not even the likes of Ttanic can match.
Rated 26 Jun 2010
this phail movi...
Rated 15 Mar 2010
It is a classic tale that you have heard and seen a thousand times before, but this time it is served to you in a new way. The movie was 12 years in the making and it shows. The movie is a feast for your eyes and your ears, but I am left feeling that had it had a truly original story it might have been the greatest movie of all time. Style does not make up for lacking substance. No matter how much you dress up a pig with perfume, ribbons and medals, when push comes to shove it is still a pig.
Rated 16 Feb 2010
Avatar is a technical feat and not much else. Beyond enjoying the special effects and cool ways the 3D was used I didn't find a ton of enjoyment out of the movie. The script had me rolling my eyes due to being very predictable and shallow. The characters were all cliche and I didn't really care for any of them. Also, I started to get burnt out towards the end, they could have cut a good helping of stuff. After typing this it sounds like I hated it, but I merely thought it was decent.
Rated 02 Feb 2010
Visually is just great.It's impressive to watch this in 3D. Acting was great & I really liked the details. The story isn't that original. Actually I constantly had the feeling I'd seen it before, but that didn't bother me, because now it's 10 times better. What annoyed me the most was that towards the end of the film, you had more and more clichéd moments. Colonel jumps out of exploding airplanes etc. If Cameron wanted to make an absolute topfilm, he shouldn't have done this.
Rated 19 Jan 2010
I plead the Nuremberg Defense: I saw Avatar because everyone else was.
Rated 11 Jan 2010
Remarkable visuals, stunning graphics, and amazing detail in even the smallest of sights. I can understand why this was Cameron's baby. The plot is a little too black and white for me, I would like to see a little gray in my characters. What a great night at the movies though eh?
Rated 11 Jan 2010
The fx here are the cutting edge and a swarm of talented craftsmen must have been hired to design this imaginary world. But true to sci-fi tradition, the actual imagination invested here is next to nil. The future is a slightly embellished present and the alien planet is primitive Earth with cat-eyes and shinier colors. The plot is a rehash of Pocahontas, and the pretty looks are not enough to offset the stench of the ridiculously terrible text (or of the cheesy music).
Rated 07 Jan 2010
Great special effects, terrible writing.
Rated 05 Jan 2010
The effects in this movie are incredible and everything else is only so-so. For a long time I've had problems with CGI because it's never felt physical to me, you can always tell it is an effect and not really 'there'. Not in Avatar, in Avatar the physicality of the blue people is absoloutely incredible; there is a scene with a human hand on a Na'vi face and I swear it looked like model work.
Rated 05 Jan 2010
Catching it on TV years later, and wow there are a lot more terrible slow motion scenes than I remember. The Navi still look a bit out of place, like their skin is too electric blue to be realistic, which is a shame since the environmental effects are top notch. To its advantage Cameron still knows how to film an action scene, and the final battle is exhilarating. But now he's going on about sequels that are taking forever to make and he really just needs to move on.
Rated 31 Dec 2009
I think I understand Titanic fans a little better: here we have a derivative script with simple dialogue, but this is not important. The basic story structure has been done before, but the context and characters and creatures have not. I didn't leave the theater thinking Avatar was groundbreaking, and maybe that was its biggest flaw: the marketing; but the film, the entire world, immersed me completely. Maybe it's the little sci-fi nerd in me that still yearns for new worlds to explore and love.
Rated 31 Dec 2009
An apologetic salute to the plight of Native Americans in 3-D. Obviously the film is much more than this on a visual scale, but I truly did not care much for the plot or the ending, which was completely predictable from the moment the film began. The characters were a little typical and hollow for a film that boasts biblical proportions. For example, the sergeant slaughter guy who could never wear a normal t-shirt was a bit silly I thought. But one of the greatest visual experiences.
Rated 29 Dec 2009
If there's one thing James Cameron can do, it's make a blockbuster that makes a shitload of money. Sure, it's not the most original movie to come out recently, but the total immersion in the fictional world of Pandora makes up for it. I think if Cameron makes a sequel or two with a more complex story, we'll be in for a real treat.
Rated 28 Dec 2009
I could have scored it 80 on the movie break, I was so immersed till the invasion started. Outright clash is expected and inevitable from the foundation of Avatar, but does it have to be this sharp with this much stereotyped -human- side and resolutions? Nevertheless Avatar doesn't fail to be an experience of here and now. Visual flaws and abnormalities are so few, my professional side was harrased since I can never match the technical quality. Especially facial expressions are noteworthy.
Rated 28 Dec 2009
sure it has great special effects, but cut out all the hype and cameron's reputation and all we have is a fairly regular sci-fi action movie. this isn't that good, but hopefully it will set a new standard for eye candy in the future. (seen both versions, add two points for 3D)
Rated 27 Dec 2009
I comfortably snuggle Avatar up to District 9 in terms of sci-fi flicks this year. Yes, it'll take shit for costing so much - you can't whitewash $400mil-plus - and yea, the character design looks awkward - hard to avoid when you're going for "humanoid but not human" - but Cameron created a world here that rivals Middle Earth, designed and built life forms that are spiritually gorgeous and simplistic, and made a linear plot totally sparkle. But I'm biased towards sci-fi, so take it how you will.
Rated 26 Dec 2009
A technical masterpiece, but not much more. It is enjoyable if you can forgive the tacky new agy symbolism and the fact that you can predict the course of this (way to long) movie after having seen 20 seconds of it. As far as big event films go however, this is certainly one of the best in years. It is a movie that should not be compared to highbrow cinema, but to other event films like 2012 or transformers 2. And those at least it blows out of the water.
Rated 23 Dec 2009
This ruled in the theater but I have no desire to see it again.
Rated 23 Dec 2009
Waaay too long and filled up with annoying cliches. The 3D visual is sure beautiful, but for me, in the na'vi scences it was like whatching a animation instead of a live action movie. But that's not the problem, what really let me down with this movie was the completly lack of any depth in the characters or story. Some guy said here that it's just like pocahontas and i coudn't agree more. A child movie pretending to sound like a mature movie. Yeah, FAIL.
Rated 21 Dec 2009
I was quite surprised by the plot which is, while still a classical one, very gripping; made me think, and definately not just a blockbuster. However, where the movie fails is some serious cliches which should be out. Still, however cartoony the film might look (and it is!), I forgive it because it's the only way to portray its story. Some themes and ideas were quite destroyed by trying to appeal to broad public - a brick omitted if the film wasn't so SUPER expensive (I could do with no 3D..).
Rated 20 Dec 2009
James Cameron returns to cinema with the most technically-impressive film to this day. As an immersing 3D package, 'Avatar' is a terrifically engaging and beautiful film. The story is very familiar, but the themes are universal and ongoing. This is a film about sheer spectacle, and it achieves everything it sets out to do. Will it plays as well at home? I don't know. But on the big screen in 3D, it is one of the greatest movie-going experiences of all time, and what the cinema was made for.
Rated 19 Dec 2009
Sets the bar for all 3D and effects driven films to come for sure. But the storytelling lacked severely. Its safe to say that effects will never replace good plot and dialogue, and this film shows us why.
Rated 19 Dec 2009
Total cliché.
Rated 19 Dec 2009
I'm somewhat conflicted here. The visuals were stunning. Gorgeous. For me however, the 3D was somewhat disorienting at times, and being a glasses wearer, it's not the most comfortable experience. I got used to it though, and by the second half of the movie I stopped noticing the 3D as much and became truly immersed in the world. There were some cliches in the story and dialogue, but I found the overall effect to still be quite compelling.
Rated 19 Dec 2009
Unbelievably beautiful shots and backgrounds, and it has well-written story. it is for sure another masterpiece from James Cameron that can create enjoyable 2:45 mins experience.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
A spectacle to behold but substantively shallow. It's a must see movie that I will never see again.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
Visually breathtaking (especially in 3-D). At first it just seems to be a showcase of different creature designs, but then almost every one introduced ends up playing a key role by the end of the movie, which is not the case in most creature features. It doesn't really matter that the acting and dialogue are standard and forgettable, the emotion is still conveyed pretty well. Dangerously close to being preachy, but thankfully it's fairly tasteful for the most part.
Rated 22 Oct 2012
Visually stunning, emotionally stirring. You experience Pandora with the main character discovering its beauties, dangers, and balance. One of the few movies I have seen in my life that lives up to its hype
Rated 26 Jan 2012
"Let's steal material from a couple places and slap together a script so I can use this new camera I came up with."
Rated 05 Mar 2011
The Na'vi are the most boring freaks ever. All they do is work and pray. I thought that I've watched "Avatar" a million times before, but I really haven't. It's all so familiar. The music, the dramaturgy, the "characters" and in some way even Pandora.
Rated 09 Jan 2011
In my mind, Avatar was definitely worth a watch, possibly even another in the very near future. Its story isn't complex, but it doesn't really need to be. The film is all about its visuals, which are stunning. Even when nothing much is happening on-screen, you will still want to look just because of how beautiful the scenery is. Also impressive is how well the Na'vi are animated, proving that good motion capture is now only limited by time commitment, not by technology.
Rated 06 Oct 2010
Clunky in parts, you can't deny this movie is an epic cinematic achievement. Cons: very cliched plot, way too long and full of corny dialogue. Pros: visually stunning, never boring and an admirable message of ecological preservation and racial tolerance.
Rated 27 Sep 2010
A predictable but non the less watchable story line, with the inevitable uplifting ending and message. However the blue cartoon characters were hard to relate to and the endless battle scenes made the film feel like another trailer for an X-Box game.
Rated 26 May 2010
At first it was a great experience, however upon reflecting on the movie, problems arise and you start to get pissed. How did Cameron take 10 years to make such predictable recycled plot? Everywhere there's a cliche. James Cameron is lucky because some actors did a great job (mostly Zoe Saldana). However, it is a mediocre movie and most of the hype comes from marketing (you can't fool me twice, Cameron). After you wipe all the glitter from your eyes it boils to a cash machine.
Rated 26 May 2010
If you're not charmed by the artificial-looking world, you won't get much out of this.
Rated 02 May 2010
As usual, a noble white man sets the clueless savages free from the clutches of the evil white man. (Dances With Wolves, The Last Samurai, etc.) Ideas are "borrowed" from video games, anime, fantasy and sci-fi to make this the perfect amalgam of mediocre shit. If I were 13, I'd love this, but as it stands, I'd be better off going cosmic bowling while on mushrooms. I wouldn't have to deal with the melodrama and ridiculous dialog, that way. Also, bowling alleys have nachos. Nachos get 85/100.
Rated 21 Apr 2010
Wow, James Cameron instantly transported me to another world. A world where stories and a screenplay were unecessary and where artists and programmers spent billions of dollars to remake "Fern Gully" while simultaneously convincing me that there was anything new and original here.
Rated 21 Feb 2010
Ferngully comparisons are fine, but this struck me as more akin to Inglourious Basterds: a reimagining of the past in which history's victims take brutal revenge upon those pillaging them. It's just Cameron doesn't have the balls to refrain from allegorizing everything with cat people or tediously redrawing moral lines every five minutes. Wish it dealt more with Jake Sully's body horror and explored whether the return of his mobility played any mitigating effect in deciding which side was right.
Rated 13 Feb 2010
Beautifull and mesmerizing special effects allthough the storyline wasn't all that great..
Rated 05 Feb 2010
Although the acting left much to be desired and the special effects were incredible, I think anyone who simplifies the plot of this movie simply doesn't understand it. While it could be seen as anti-corporate, to claim that the movie has a strong environmentalism stance is akin to accusing anybody who likes breathing clean air and drinking clean water of the same. There were many active subplots that are too deep to write in a 500 character review, so I'll just go hug a tree.
Rated 05 Feb 2010
Great and long movie. I`ve seen this movie in 2D, not in 3D. A beautiful science-fiction movie of James C. and a bizare, amazing alien story. I like such movies and in 2D version, it was really pretty good for me. Those blue aliens were beautiful made
Rated 01 Feb 2010
This quasi-film (i.e. thrill-ride pretending to be a movie) had many chances to jump at more nuanced character building -- Sully developing a brotherhood with a down-to-earth alien race as a result of his alienation from humanity; Sully finding release in his new avatar-body, triggering potential for body horror related to his broken human body -- but instead it glossed over all of this in favor of artlessly manipulative bombast. "Visually amazing" is subjective as well, with its gaudy design.
Rated 24 Jan 2010
There's nothing new I can really say. The plot is cliched, silly, and only there to support the visuals...but...the visuals are so incredible that, I swear to god, it actually doesn't matter. The story is well-told and everyone acts well etc etc IT LOOKS SO GOD DAMNED PRETTY and totally exceeded my expectations
Rated 24 Jan 2010
Visually arresting, but otherwise a thoroughly pedestrian creation in all aspects, remarkably unimaginative under all that shiny phosphorescence. Clearly a statement about nature by a man who has no understanding or appreciation for it, streamlined for mass appeal to into a series of nonsense rote plot points. Cameron wants to make the world's BIGGEST movies, and I'll just hope that decades from now, when the scale of his productions has been eclipsed, he'll disappear from collective memory.
Rated 16 Jan 2010
Effects and nothing more.
Rated 15 Jan 2010
The story is unimaginative and derivative, but its the visuals that made the movie. Cameron promised to transport us to another planet, and he did it.


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