
Cinema Addict - 1715 Film Ratings
Member Since: 24 Dec 2006
Location: Dublin, France

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72 53% Lupin the 3rd vs. Cat's Eye (2023) - Rated 21 Jul 2024
"It is very entertaining; the music is great really well meshed with the action sequences. I like this semi CGI style; it is very organically done. they meshed two franchises quite well; which is not an easy thing to do. then the twist was very obvious and they fell into some typical anime cliches; but all in all very enjoyable; nice over the top Anime."
56 19% The Tomorrow War (2021) - Rated 16 Jul 2024
"Great material for a video game, but not so much as a movie. First of all, it tries to set a logical premise that sounds like it makes sense, but actually, it doesn't. Then it tries to hit some emotional cords, it misses more than it hits. A lack of strategic thinking abound, and the last 20 minutes was completely unnecessary. Strong points: Music, Strahovski is a very good actress (particularly how she acts pain is very interesting) and there is a nice chemistry between her and Pratt."
73 55% The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973) - Rated 08 Jun 2024
"By itself, it is a nice 70s crime movie, well acted, with a nice scenario. But if you compare it to the source book; they diluted the story too much and lost all the charm of how those random seeming dialogues shape the events to come. Although I must admit that the source material as it is would be very hard to faithfully adapt. I loved the masks during the heist scenes and the dynamic between Dillon and Coyle was close to that of the book (not as fake-friendly and free-flowing though)."
54 18% Glass (2019) - Rated 08 Jun 2024
"You buy a gorgeous new tie, you think that it would go great with a suit you forgot in your wardrobe; this awesome suit that you have vivid memories of. then you go home, you try to put on the suit, but you got fat and it doesn't fit and it kinda aged too, it does not look that cool. When you add the tie, you look like a clown. This is how this movie felt; it might have worked but it just focused on all the wrong things. It is an interesting idea, but Split deserved a better sequel than this."
93 94% Scarface (1983) - Rated 08 Jun 2024
"Wow, Oliver Stone is even a better screenwriter than a director. As far as crime movies go, this is in another league. The depth of the story, all the little details of environments and characters. Even the little mistakes and quirks of it provide it with more depth and a genuine feel. But above all there is Tony Montana, a role of a lifetime that Pacino brought to crazy levels. I don't remember many characters who feel so real, his intensity jumps at you from the screen; an unique experience."
100 99% Downfall (2004) - Rated 19 May 2024
"This is the best War movie I have ever seen. Maybe because I have seen recently Auschwitz or maybe because I live in a place that was invaded by Nazis; it gripped me emotionally like few documentaries/films ever did. Perhaps, because it showed the most evil part of Nazism; the rampant cruelty even towards themselves. I salute everyone who worked on this masterpiece; some movies have to be done by someone; this is one of them"
53 17% Moon Knight (2022) - Rated 18 May 2024
"Bob Iger said that they will do less of these series; I think that that is the right call. They did all these half-cooked, unimpactful things with big names without achieving much. Except for WandaVision a bit and Loki, none really worked. The best thing in this series is the end credits; that shouldn't be the case. The last episode was kinda interesting but the rest is very forgettable. They got the costumes right also; but these ar enot enough to keep you interested for 6 hours."
31 7% Black Adam (2022) - Rated 12 May 2024
"It is hard for me to admit because I'm extremely proud of my memory; but I saw this movie on flight and I do not remember anything of it; I don't even muster the origin story of Black Adam (and I'm a comic buff, mind you) out of it; it was that bad. DC couldn't even do decent movies with its main characters; I think it should stay away from this mailing the side characters business."
76 62% Twist à Bamako (2021) - Rated 12 May 2024
"An excellent time piece; done in a very tasteful way; showing the realities of revolutions without shoving them down your throat. The music part is very well handled and conveys the relationship of the main characters extremely well. It has a crushing and very strong ending; but it never really tries to be a tear-jerker. All in all, excellent film-making, storytelling."
41 10% Tales of the Jedi (2022) - Rated 09 May 2024
"I hate this Clone ars animation style, I find it unwatchable so emotionless, unexpressive. Besides, the stories were really mediocre and the music is blatantly overused. Only the fifth episode was half decent."