

2h 36m
It's the last days of Adolf Hitler, April 1945, and Hitler's personal secretary Traudl Junge finds herself in the Der Fuhrer's bunker. Facing inevitable defeat, Hilter's moods range from defiance to fight or flee, remain loyal or opt for self-preservation. Eva Braun parties while Magda Goebbels kills her children. The movie goes on to show how Hitler and Eva lived their last hours in the Bunker. (imdb)
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2h 36m
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Avg Percentile 71.46% from 5708 total ratings

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Rated 14 Oct 2008
Super German movie about the last days of Hitler. Interesting scenes in the bunker and the madness what happen there the last hours. Super performance of B.Ganz. A movie that I'll never forget. A really amazing and sad movie.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
You don't like this movie? Well, you know who else doesn't like this movie? That's right: Hitler.
Rated 21 Nov 2009
It's almost like the unseen documentary of what happened in the bunker. Really fascinating stuff. I really liked Alexandra Maria Lara and Bruno Ganz, very good performances. Ulrich Matthes, who plays Goebbels, should be in every horror movie ever made. That guy looked scary as hell and his acting was excellent too. Should be shown in schools regularly.
Rated 29 Dec 2016
Wait, I thought a bunch of American's and a vengeful Jewish woman killed Hitler by burning down a movie theater. WTF is this bullshit?
Rated 21 Mar 2007
Good profile of what many consider to be the most vile human to ever live. It's an interesting movie with great cinematography and acting. Easily recommendable to fans of World War II or history in general.
Rated 08 May 2007
One of the greatest War films ever made. Bruno Ganz is flawless as Hitler (I don't know if thats necassarily a good thing,) This film should be watched in schools, for once you see the German side, you see both on the battlefield, and the politics that takes place indoors. It is historically accurate, and keeps you entertained throughout all of it. From the beginning where Hitler is percieved as an ordinary man, to the end where Hitler is reminiscent of a monster, Downfall fails to disappoint
Rated 14 Aug 2007
One of the best historic movies I have seen. Describing the last few days of Hitler, the German movie goes into detail about the man and everyone around him, as their empire crumbles above the bunker they spend their last days in. Finally a movie showing Hitler as a person - a very bad person, crazy, evil, but one who has thoughts, feelings and desires. The movie also features amazing acting from everyone involved, very good visuals and a few bombing scenes. My only gripe with the movie, is that
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The ultimate movie about the end of the Third Reich. I thought it went on perhaps for a bit too long after (ATTN: SPOILER) Hitler died, but other than that it had excellent focus. Bruno Ganz does a brilliant job.
Rated 08 Jan 2009
I can only agree to @farzan's review. This movie should be watched in Schools. It perfectly shows, that Hitler totally lost his mind and therfore the control about everything else.
Rated 20 Dec 2006
Overall I liked the movie, but I did it start to feel rather repetitive, especially for the first 100 minutes or so. Scene of Berlin getting fucked, someone betrays or abandons Hitler, Hitler flips the fuck out, loyal sidekicks reaffirm their allegiance. Repeat. Otherwise an excellent production with a particularly strong performance by Ganz.
Rated 27 Feb 2007
Feels so thoroughly accurate that if someone told you it was all real historical footage, you'd be inclined to believe them.
Rated 02 May 2007
Remains one of the few films to take a moment in time and bottle it up, like alot of great war movies it leaves you shell shocked but unlike so many others you feel for the enemy if only because they too are people who watch powerless as the things they believe fall apart right in front of them.
Rated 02 Jun 2007
A very well-crafted and interesting film. Ganz delivers an amazing performance. I don't know, for some reason it left me kind of cold - I didn't find it boring or full of flaws (though I do admit I had some difficulty keeping track of some of the supporting characters), but it never struck a deep chord with me.
Rated 04 Feb 2009
Very tense and emotional portrayal of the last days of Hilter's life in the claustrophobic fuhrerbunker. Ganz is incredible. Interestingly, despite focusing on Hitler, this film draws a lot of attention to how psychotic the Goebbels were. An overall excellent film.
Rated 01 Dec 2009
Should be shown in schools. Bruno Ganz is staggeringly good as Hitler.
Rated 19 Jan 2010
This is why you shouldn't do meth, next thing you know you've got the Holocaust on your shaky hands..
Rated 16 Feb 2010
The most powerful aspect of this film is that it portrays those responsible for one of the worst genocides in the history of mankind as human beings, and attempts to put human faces on monsters. You *almost* feel sympathetic for Hitler when he shows compassion to his secretaries and the young children (of Goebbels). You're slapped back into reality when Hitler dictates his political testament, however.
Rated 28 Jun 2017
I know not of the accuracy in these psychological portraits, only that it is an intense portrayal, and often disturbing to view such unrepentant wickedness even as it stares down the barrel of its own demise. The inexplicably controversial decision to humanize this evil is in the service of demythology: this is, after all, actual history carried out by actual humans.
Rated 21 Dec 2006
Incredible first-hand account of Hitler's last days in the bunker. Bruno Ganz is terrifying and brilliant all at once.
Rated 17 Jan 2007
If only Americans weren't so averse to subtitles, Downfall would be known much more for the work of art it is rather than the subsequent memes created from it. Expertly crafted and featuring an all-time great performance from Bruno Ganz as Hitler, it's almost required viewing for any cinephile.
Rated 27 Feb 2007
As tense and claustrophobic as I should imagine life was in the fuehrerbunker in the final days of WWII. Ganz is utterly superb as the increasingly unstable Hitler and the supporting cast capture perfectly the mixed emotions of the time--the confusion over whether to retain Hitler as their spiritual leader, the jockeying for position in the succession list, and the eventual descent into a frantic, selfish desire simply to survive.
Rated 22 May 2007
Probably the most even-handed account of Hitler committed to film. Even though it is somewhat sympathetic, it still shows a man undone by his lust for power and "racial purity".
Rated 14 Jun 2007
It was a great portrayal of those final days, and left me exhausted when it was done. I don't know what else they could have done to make the story any better.
Rated 24 Jul 2007
Excellent acting... some of the actors looked uncannily like the historical figures they were portraying. This film seems somewhat overlooked, so if you get the opportunity to watch it you definitely should. A great depiction of an important and fascinating piece of history.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A brave film, to say the least.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
An acurate and emotional retelling of the last days of Hitler.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
An effective recreation, but nothing more than that. It was informative and solid, but a chore to sit through.
Rated 05 Sep 2011
The first 40 minutes or so are kind of confusing, as I do not know a whole lot about WWII, but after they established they were all fucked, and Hitler was going crazy, it got better. I didn't there were so many suicides by German officials. I guess their style, kill everyone, including themselves. I haven't seen any of the actors / actresses in any other films, which was great, because they all seemed to fit perfectly.
Rated 30 Dec 2007
THE portrayal of Adolf Hitler. I was utterly convinced throughout this gripping, powerful film.
Rated 01 Feb 2008
Wonderful casting. I couldn't believe what a good job they did in finding actors that looked exactly like Hitler and his inner circle. Highly recommended.
Rated 20 Feb 2008
Too long and the blonde kid is annoying. Other than that it's fantastic and Bruno Ganz is amazing.
Rated 04 Jul 2012
The Nazi leadership's last days in the bunker are the stuff of legends, and to the best of my knowledge, the script (based in part on Traudl Junge's protocols) is fairly accurate historically. It is far from naturalistic, though, and I didn't feel that the format of a neat, glossy theatrical ensemble drama did justice to the subject matter. The film too lightly flutters by events that should be weighty and troubling, dramatizing them thoughtlessly, devoid of any insight.
Rated 19 May 2024
This is the best War movie I have ever seen. Maybe because I have seen recently Auschwitz or maybe because I live in a place that was invaded by Nazis; it gripped me emotionally like few documentaries/films ever did. Perhaps, because it showed the most evil part of Nazism; the rampant cruelty even towards themselves. I salute everyone who worked on this masterpiece; some movies have to be done by someone; this is one of them
Rated 09 Jul 2011
From a purely historical aspect, "Der Untergang" is fascinating, but as a piece of storytelling, it's merely dull. Despite Hirschbiegel's remarkable craftsmanship, Ganz's electrifying performance and the realistic depiction of Hitler, at 156 minutes, the film more than outstays its welcome and it often becomes downright tedious. Although admirably well-made, its approach is strictly encyclopedic and passionless, while the script's repetition and long-windedness only extended my dissatisfaction.
Rated 02 Nov 2008
Decent study of the last days of the Third Reich, seen from Hitler's bunker. Flaunts convention somewhat by taking defeat as a given and focussing on the actions of the characters while faced with the inevitability of escape, suicide or surrender.
Rated 08 Jan 2009
it is fascinating to watch an entire country fall apart systematically and all the implications that come with. most of the characters in this movie are pretty despicable people, and it's hard to relate to anyone who's drugging and poisoning their children. the end is the best part of this movie and any combat part is well done, and the dramatic parts are entertaining as well.
Rated 21 Apr 2009
Feels like a horror movie with Nazis. Effective in both showing these murderers as people, not just monsters (even if they were both).
Rated 29 Apr 2009
Phenomenal movie about Hitler's last days.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
Watching 'Downfall' almost feels forbidden! As if you are being allowed access to watch secret tape that has been hidden away for 60 years. It's a compelling emotion to have during this movie. Add on top of that some awesome performances and the general fascination in seeing Hitler's final moments and this is an at times chilling, but essential watch.
Rated 19 Aug 2013
a bafflingly well-regarded melodrama. admittedly i didn't watch the whole thing, but i couldn't be bothered sitting through much more overdramatised silliness. disappointing after the meme.
Rated 12 May 2012
This is an extraordinary film that manages to show the German side of the war, with a glimpse of humanity in it, without shielding us from the horrors that the Nazis committed. It somehow captured the humanity of monsters.
Rated 12 Oct 2009
A sober, masterfully crafted and much overdue serious portrait of the dictator. One of the better history lessons of later years.
Rated 09 Feb 2016
Nazi'leri eleştirmekten korkmasa rahatlıkla 80 olurdu...
Rated 24 Jan 2010
This has become the gold standard benchmark for any film about WW2 Germany and the third reich. The acting in this is entirely in German and reasonably historically accurate. There's some absolutely chilling moments and the surreal bunker environment only brings out the chaos and insanity of the historically significant events. We could only speculate how actual nazis would have seen their lives if they were given this looking glass to peer into.
Rated 16 Feb 2010
Join Hitler in the Bunker in this lighthearted romp. Fun for the whole family, if you are trying to convince them to join your suicide pact.
Rated 24 Jan 2012
German side of the tragedy. Hitler might be blamed for what he did but let's face he was not the only one responsible for that. The whole Europe, as well as the Soviet Union, are responsible for unleashing the evil.
Rated 23 May 2010
a brave film. the level of dramatization is perfectly set, so that it doesn't degrade the authenticity of the real events. it tackles on some serious subjects about how evil is a state of mind, and how people will get entangled with cruel ideologies given the right frame of consequences. Top drawer acting from entire cast keep the movie believable, even through some truly blood chilling moments.
Rated 28 Jan 2012
Spoiler alert: WWII
Rated 29 Dec 2012
A hoot! This film will have you sieg heiling all the way to the parking lot! - Gene Shalit
Rated 16 Oct 2010
I can imagine that one of the biggest challenges that could ever face an actor would be to attempt to objectively portray one of History's most hated men, who was at the same time a brilliant tactician, military mind, and politician. Bruno Ganz does so in spectacular fashion. A beautifully-crafted epic which depicts Hitler's final days, that belongs in classrooms. Equally impressive to the performance of Ganz as Hitler were those of the Goebbels family; as he is still an under-examined figure.
Rated 18 Oct 2010
"An exhausting soap opera of doom that cuts back and forth between what seems like 100 speaking parts and conveys a chilling vision of rats being slowly flushed down a toilet." - Ed Gonzalez
Rated 14 Dec 2006
Easily the best World War 2 movie I've ever seen. It's fantastic in every way.
Rated 25 Nov 2011
I had a feeling that this movie might be better for people who are really into history. It's the kind of movie your history professor will bring up in passing, and mention how outstanding it is, and recommend that everyone see it.
Rated 11 Mar 2007
Goebbels looks like Herman Munster.
Rated 06 Nov 2011
Well-made film about the final moments in Germany's bunkers during WWII. Bruno Ganz is appropriately manic as Hitler. The story is really interesting, but the film tends to drag at parts.
Rated 30 Jul 2007
Wow...just wow.
Rated 25 Nov 2016
Rated 04 Jan 2012
History knowledge of the viewer is taken as granted and the characters are hardly introduced. This was a bit confusing, for me at least, and I couldn't really keep track of all the characters. But what the films does great is the claustrophobic atmoshere. Also, most of the acting is good. Even if not the most viewer-friendly film, it depicts the events realistically without overly dramatizing them. That's refreshing in the war-film genre.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Very well done... I'm not sure how accurate it is as I'm not much of an historian, but the acting was excellent and the scenes seemed realistic.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Closer picture of Hitler and the nazism than the most movies around. And it's a german picture.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
dangerous relativistic propaganda. just plain revanchism.
Rated 23 Jul 2017
Treads a very delicate line in presenting these men as both human and Nazi; a portrayal rarely seen. It also makes an interesting choice in having most of the violence heard, but only showing the aftermath. I can't tell if the decision is so that we the audience can't take glee in watching the Nazis die, or if it's to avoid us feeling sympathy. In any event, it's staged quite brilliantly. From what I understand, it is also very historically accurate.
Rated 22 Dec 2014
Plot 17/20 Fiction 17/20 Casting/Acting 20/20 Worldbuilding 18/20 Entertainment 19/20
Rated 29 Sep 2007
It wouldn't be a bad film, if it wasn't so historically inaccurate.
Rated 10 Oct 2007
A movie very interesting where recounts the story of Hitler with a look German. Bruno Ganz is very convincing.
Rated 18 Nov 2007
Bruno Ganz is scary perfect as Hitlers, he did it spot on.
Rated 29 Mar 2015
Rated 11 Jul 2008
Fantastic film charting the maniacs last days. Superb.
Rated 21 Jul 2008
Powerful, if occasionally overwrought, telling of the last days of the Third Reich. It largely succeeds through its attention to the concerns of many of the major players involved in the last stand.
Rated 26 Jul 2008
A great central performance by Bruno Ganz as Hitler is let down by an awful script; unfocused, clumsy and full of heavy-handed symbolism.
Rated 11 Sep 2016
Quite a playground to explore theatrically - Hitler's world falling down around him, his outlook oscillating from optimistic to dismal to deluded. His subordinates can see the writing on the wall & either stand by their ideology/rank without question, or have their allegiance decay as the Soviets draw closer. Braun's seemingly dutiful persistence comes across like something I'd expect to see in the Jonestown scenario. Ideology to garner support of the masses, realpolitik to govern them, perhaps?
Rated 14 Jan 2014
The fascinating subject matter and Ganz's excellent performance make this a good film, but I can't help but find it a bit tedious at times as it's such a clinical and cold (and unfocused) recitation of details, very occasionally giving way for some music choice that seems overwrought in comparison. I want something more than just recitation of history; some attempt at insight into Hitler's psychology, some attempt to break out of a simple dramatisation of what happened, some artistry.
Rated 04 Dec 2008
05 Aralik 08, 00:15am. & bruna ganz in muhtesem detayli Hitler canlandirmasi ve son zamanlarin en gercekci Hitler ve ii. dunya savasi filmi... en onemlisi objektif ve vurucu. yonetmenin su anlik en iyi filmi.
Rated 27 Dec 2008
Excellent investigation into a critical point in time. Great acting.
Rated 29 Dec 2013
For a film that takes place almost entirely in an underground bunker, this is rather good.
Rated 16 Jun 2012
Rated 22 May 2011
A bit of a disappointment. On the whole I found it only mildly interesting, with the first hour and a half downright boring (which is NOT a descriptor I tend to use). The last hour got better, asking questions about the individual feelings of the Nazi soldiers. The demonstration of life-ending commitment to the great madman was kind of interesting. Kind of. I felt like this was a movie made for WWII buffs, which I am not. Historically accurate? Fantastic, I just don't care all that much.
Rated 04 Mar 2009
Ganz, digging into his meatiest role in years, looks and sounds fine as the Führer and Hirschbiegel's strict adherence to documented history, and to the precise design and décor of the infamous bunker, give the film some educational value, although the drab-to-dismal cinematography equates to a professorial drone. Entertainment value, meantime, rises no higher than sadistic pleasure at seeing Hitler have a bad fifty-sixth birthday and bad rest of his life: "No one understands me...."
Rated 06 Apr 2009
Ganz's performance in this has got to be the biggest Snub in Oscar history.
Rated 20 Dec 2013
Downfall is an illuminating, thoughtful and detailed account of Hitler's last days.
Rated 27 May 2012
Ganz's performance is heartbreaking; it's amazing to see such depth in an actual historical figure portrayed in film. The psychological and emotional weight of many of the scenes is immense, especially the conviction of those in Hitler's inner circle. A particularly touching scene is of a group of children refusing to give up fighting as Berlin begins to fall, much to the chagrin of one of the boy's father. The interview segments with Traudl Junge added some excellent context as well.
Rated 08 Apr 2011
Hirschbiegel's arms-length approach to the final days in Herr Hitler's bunker means there's an uneasy level of detachment despite its impeccable craftsmanship, excellent performances and ability to find the morbid humour and outright horror in an increasingly surreal environment. Despite this steadfast refusal to pass judgment, the film is ultimately a riveting experience, one you can't tear your eyes away from.
Rated 18 Jun 2009
Nice Movie
Rated 27 Jul 2009
Worth a watch for Ganz' portrayal of Hitler alone, Downfall is most successful in showing the wide spectrum of emotions and philosophies held by German officers and peoples during the most critical time in their history. Despite some of the worst people ever finally getting their due, it's still a terribly bleak and depressing war film; viewer beware.
Rated 29 Jul 2009
Overall Enjoyment: 20/40, Plot/Themes: 10/20, Cinematography/Direction: 10/20, Acting/Writing: 10/20 This movie was good, but way too long. The first half was far too many similar scenes and started to drag. Once Hitler dies the movie picks up and the pacing becomes much better. Very interesting, but about an hour too long which made some parts quite boring.
Rated 28 Aug 2016
The highlight is the acting from Ganz. I also liked the actress who played Eva Braun.
Rated 26 Mar 2011
Finally a film about the Nazis that gets it right. Instead of making Hitler out to be just a maniacal autocrat, this film paints a picture of a father type figure who's magnetism and beguiling nature could sway the downtrodden to commit the most heinous acts in history.
Rated 06 Feb 2024
This movie shows that the Nazis were human beings just like you and me. By showing them in such light, it demonstrates the evil that we’re all capable of, even though we don’t want to admit it.
Rated 02 Jan 2018
It worths watching.
Rated 24 Jan 2010
Sure, Ganz is great as the crumbling leader, waiting for rescue by armies that don't exist any more. But the cookie goes to Ulrich Matthes who gives us a convincingly cold-blooded and insane Goebbels.
Rated 24 Jan 2010
fantastic film, that not only shows Hitlers faltering grip on reality near the end of the war. But also portray the charismatic person so many choose to follow. Bruno Ganz is amazing as Hitler.
Rated 24 Jan 2010
A movie that is understandably dominated by Bruno Ganz' portrayal of Hitler, but every other actor in the film is right there with him. Completely compelling from beginning to end.
Rated 26 Aug 2023
One of my two or three favorite movies I've seen for the first time this year. Ganz is just godly, delivering one of the finest performances of this century as Hitler. He manages to make him three dimensional and show how he might have charmed/inspired at times without ever humanizing him more than he deserves. The techniques used make the bunker feel increasingly claustrophobic as we witness Hitler's mental and physical decline as the situation dawns on him. Brilliant.
Rated 04 Dec 2012
I picked this movie out of a list of possible topics for a history paper to point out the historical accuracy of events. I'm so happy I picked this one. I found that this movie is incredibly accurate based on the final days of Hitler's reign of power. The movie attempts to show Hitler as a human being. However, it was not trying to sympathize with him. Characters played their roles amazingly and I felt so many different emotions throughout.
Rated 25 Apr 2010
Boring, but one the bright side, It DID inspire an internet meme.
Rated 18 May 2010
many films deal with World War II, Nazis, and/or the Holocaust, but this is the only film I have seen that puts you in the heart of Hitler's government and stays there there the whole movie. All your characters are in the bunker with Hitler and so for better or for worse this movie does something few have dared to do: humanize the Nazis. I think this is a terribly important thing to do, and the result is quite provocative and moving. There are also some worthwhile performances here. Check it
Rated 20 Mar 2023
the movie focused on a very narrow time interval and there was no emotional connection with the characters , the movie barely passes the 50
Rated 06 May 2013
Well made film that is pretty interesting with a great performance by Bruno Ganz. But I never really connected with it.
Rated 18 Sep 2010
Mostly very powerful and effective but at times drags a bit. It works well primarily thanks to Bruno Ganz's unforgettable performance. Chilling.
Rated 05 May 2018
tended to either portray people as 100% evil or 100% good, which set off my bullshit detector. gun-stuff felt kind of cheap. was also probably 20 minutes too long. kudos to whoever found that ghoul to play goebbels though


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