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Check out kubricksucks's...
50 1% | Electrocuting an Elephant (1903) - Rated 25 Nov 2013
"Though horrific to the modern viewer this noble sacrifice ultimately brought about the electronic elephant."
75 55% | Falling Down (1993) - Rated 11 Mar 2007
"a really angry office space"
70 40% | Timecop (1994) - Rated 24 Mar 2009
""You can't go forward in time because it hasn't happened yet" -Black Guy, "Timecop""
65 25% | Bad Taste (1987) - Rated 09 Mar 2007
"peter jackson picks out a booger and shows everyone"
70 40% | Grizzly Man (2005) - Rated 09 Mar 2007
"Bart Simpson gets eaten by a bear."