Same Old Song
Same Old Song
Same Old Song

Same Old Song

2h 0m
Odile (Sabine Azéma) is looking for a new, bigger appartment. Her younger sister Camille (Agnès Jaoui) just completed her doctoral thesis has fallen in love with an estate agent who is responsible for Odile's apartment and who has an elder employee (imdb)
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Same Old Song

2h 0m
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Avg Percentile 61.29% from 103 total ratings

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Rated 18 Nov 2014
Life and love inextricably intertwined with and ventriloquised by song and cinema, as a source of both contemporary melancholy and malaise, and an uncanny redemptive power. Argues that if Paris was saved from the Nazis, then perhaps, in the years since, it has not been saved from the French themselves, and from the industrialisation of everyday aesthetic life. Possesses the rare quality of continuously improving as it goes along. See Bernard Stiegler, Symbolic Misery, Volume 1, pp. 20-44.
Rated 13 Apr 2013
The dubbed song gimmick doesn't work for me at all. It's a shame, too, because otherwise I thoroughly enjoyed it. The intertwining plots touch on some interesting emotional states and the performances sell them completely.
Rated 20 Feb 2015
Pretty much the exact middle ground between the smart-yet-lightweight vibe of Not on the Lips and the smart-yet-mundane-and-hopelessly-bourgeoisie vibe of Private Fears in Public Places (utilizing cast from both, no less). Or as one character in the film puts it "absurd... incoherent, cold" which could just as well describe almost any of Resnais' films (to his credit, this line feels almost like a subtle in-joke). As much as i admired certain aspects of this, i'm not sure that i "got it".


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