United Passions
Your probable score

United Passions

1h 50m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 10.34% from 38 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 06 Mar 2016
This really comes across as an apology by Sepp for the way FIFA is institutionally corrupt (Which the film does not try to hide) and makes out that it is not his fault because it has always been this way, but it's ok because football brings so much to the world that these necessary indisgressions should be forgiven. It's almost like Sepp is asking for sympathy for his burden, and would like to submit this as evidence to the FBI that he was just a victim.
Rated 23 Feb 2016
The story of FIFA and how the World Cup came to be the most important sporting event in the world...and perhaps the most corrupt. Destined to be best remembered for coming out just as the FIFA brass were being prosecuted for their greed, it's also notably terrible, presumably an embarrassment for any fan of soccer--and for non-fans, an absurd glorification of professional sport. Some nauseating dialogue and a paycheck-driven cast add to the ironic fun. The score is surprisingly decent, however.
Rated 19 Apr 2023
I haven’t seen this movie, I don’t plan to. This review is utter crap. Like this movie. Which I haven’t seen.


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