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90 79% | Toy Story (1995) - Rated 03 Oct 2016
"Yeah, this movie is still remembered for a reason. They put in as much effort as possible to the "story" part of the title, that the technical accomplishments almost do not matter. A fantastic buddy comedy and a rather personal one to boot."
70 61% | Sausage Party (2016) - Rated 03 Oct 2016
"This movie is a massive surprise for how clever, interesting, and consistently funny the whole thing is. Admittedly nothing about it was fantastic, but it knew how to mix solid satire with jabs at the Pixar formula. It's raunchy, shocking, and I wouldn't want it any other way."
35 26% | The Interview (2014) - Rated 03 Oct 2016
"First of all, please give the guy playing Kim Jong Un all the awards. But beyond that, this is as bland and predictable a comedy as you can get, ignoring all the potentially great satire with this concept so they can make room for out-of-place sex jokes and toilet humor."
20 8% | Dear Mr. Watterson (2013) - Rated 03 Oct 2016
"Up there with one of the worst documentaries in terms of what is promised vs what is delivered. You never see Bill interviewed in the thing (and if you know his personal life, understandably so), but you do see plenty of this guy you don't care about how much the strip means to HIM. The only good part is when the creator of "Pearls Before Swine" makes some thought-provoking comments, but besides that, this is pure trash."
45 38% | Hook (1991) - Rated 03 Oct 2016
"While the film is super charming at parts and both Hoffman and Williams give worthy performances, it ultimately fails because the story becomes too sappy and bonkers for its own good. There are plenty better Peter Pan adaptations to watch instead than this."
80 73% | Blackfish (2013) - Rated 03 Oct 2016
"Despite the controversy it later generated, this is still a great documentary and explores an interesting side of captivity. It's impact is pretty obvious considering, even though I'm the biggest theme park person ever, I have not stepped foot in SeaWorld since its release."
100 91% | Inside Out (2015) - Rated 03 Oct 2016
"After thinking this over, this is my favorite Pixar film, as well as possibly the greatest CGI animated film ever made. It takes the standard formula of "things with feelings must team up to get to thing" and adds a new, almost subversive twist to it. I love every character, each moment, and every line, and it makes me smile through and through."
40 32% | The Good Dinosaur (2015) - Rated 03 Oct 2016
"Very disappointing for a Pixar effort. One of the most derivative stories in a kid's films I've ever seen is mixed with weak leads and nearly nonexistent supporting characters. The backgrounds may be flawless, but I want to watch a movie, not a desktop wallpaper."
25 17% | Batman & Robin (1997) - Rated 03 Oct 2016
"It's hilarious and awful at the same time. Recommend it as snark material, but beyond that it stands out as shockingly incompetent."
5 2% | The Cat in the Hat (2003) - Rated 03 Oct 2016
"The horror... the horror..."