
Cinema Addict - 2224 Film Ratings
Member Since: 17 May 2006
Location: USA

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99 95% Stellet licht (2007) - Rated 09 Jan 2009
91 70% The Wrestler (2008) - Rated 09 Jan 2009
91 70% Cargo 200 (2007) - Rated 09 Jan 2009
70 38% What Doesn't Kill You (2008) - Rated 28 Dec 2008
96 94% The Class (2008) - Rated 28 Dec 2008
"One of - if not the best teacher in the classroom movies. My favorite of 2008 for its incredibly believable characters, quiet direction, and attempt at utter realism."
95 85% Waltz with Bashir (2008) - Rated 28 Dec 2008
"A movie to be remembered. Beautiful, horrific, jarring, and ultimately satisfying."
80 50% Che: Part Two (2008) - Rated 28 Dec 2008
"Too self-indulgent to be a classic. Del Toro is good, though."
95 85% Wendy and Lucy (2008) - Rated 28 Dec 2008
"One of the most beautiful, realistic portrayals of poverty captured in recent cinema. Michelle Williams doesn't act - she lives the part."
89 63% The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) - Rated 28 Dec 2008
10 5% Blood Freak (1972) - Rated 28 Dec 2008
"Kind of impossible to rank - it's hilariously enjoyable but completely and utterly inept. Seriously, the production values and pacing make Ed Wood look like Orson Welles; but it's certainly one of the gems of so-bad-it's-good cinema."