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90 0% | The Blind Side (2009) - Rated 01 Sep 2010 |
92 25% | Toy Story (1995) - Rated 27 Aug 2010
"An instant classic in which Disney did an outstanding job on. It was one of the first animated movies and set the bar for the rest of animated movies. Buzz and Woody join up and make one of my favorite movies of all time. The movie will have you laughing throughout the duration of the movie."
95 50% | Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) - Rated 27 Aug 2010 |
99 87% | Space Jam (1996) - Rated 27 Aug 2010
"One of my favorite movies of all time for so many different reasons. Micheal Jordan did a great job and really made this movie. At the age of 19, I find myself wanting to watch this movie annually and experience times where I will randomly quote one of the characters. I will always remember "I can fly" and Micheal Jordan growing up as a little kid, and then being swept away by animated characters. Great idea for a movie and an obvious classic."
94 37% | Iron Man (2008) - Rated 27 Aug 2010
"I had heard a lot about this movie and watched previews and thought to myself that there is no way this can be good. I ended up watching it after people told me how good it really was. I was shocked. I craved more right after the movie was over and wanted to see Iron Man 2 as soon as possible. Jon Favreau did an amazing job, catapulting Iron Man into one of the best movies of the year."
90 0% | Wedding Crashers (2005) - Rated 27 Aug 2010
"Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn team up to make Wedding Crashers one of the best movies of the new decade. A great idea and even a better job making the movie. I will always remember the witty comments, awkward moments, and a whole lot of partying for this movie."
98 75% | Remember the Titans (2000) - Rated 27 Aug 2010
"Probably my favorite movie of all time. This is the movie that sent Denzel Washingtons career into the spotlight. I quote this movie all the time and want to watch it whenever possible. Such a great story and to see it all come together at the end was amazing. I even met the original Titans and it made the movie mean so much more because it was true."
97 62% | The Hangover (2009) - Rated 27 Aug 2010
"Obviously one of the best movies of this decade. Everyone loves this movie and it is self explanatory. These four guys made an amazing movie almost single handily and turned a great idea into a sick movie."