
Movie Buff - 100 Film Ratings
Member Since: 04 Nov 2010
Location: USA
Bio: I've only rated movies I've seen recently enough to have a non-faded memory opinion about.

I tend to rank films once right after seeing them and then adjusting as I've had time to dwell on them.

more Recent Ratings

80 61% Clash of the Titans (1981) - Rated 01 Apr 2013
75 40% An Ideal Husband (1947) - Rated 01 Apr 2013
35 5% Lockout (2012) - Rated 01 Apr 2013
80 61% Jason and the Argonauts (1963) - Rated 01 Apr 2013
65 20% Monkey Business (1952) - Rated 01 Apr 2013
80 61% The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T. (1953) - Rated 01 Apr 2013
"The Neverending Story but written by Dr Seuss. A boy being forced to learn piano by his single mother dreams up a story of his escape from his evil teacher. Wonderfully quirky and dark in all the right ways with some just incredibly fun musical numbers even with all the cuts that were made. Hans Conried is delightful as the vile Dr Terwilliker who hates everything except the piano"
65 20% Dirty Work (1998) - Rated 01 Apr 2013
90 90% M (1931) - Rated 01 Apr 2013
"Astoundingly modern feeling crime film. Fritz Lang and Fritz Argo Wagner put together a technical masterpiece that feels like it was made decades after it was released. M is a ridiculously watchable, moving piece of work with great performances from Peter Lorre and Gustaf Gründgens."
78 49% Stoker (2013) - Rated 01 Apr 2013
"Not a masterpiece but masterfully crafted."
70 29% The Sapphires (2012) - Rated 01 Apr 2013
"Sweet, small film that stumbles a bit when it tries to confront the horrors of the Vietnam War."